Chapter 11

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The next morning was just as awkward as both of them was expecting it to be. This time it was Kagami who managed to get up first. By the time the bluenette opened his eyes for the first time, the other male had already had a shower, had dried his hair, had changed his clothes, and even prepared some breakfast for both of them.

He was right in the middle of cooking as Tetsuya showed up in the kitchen with his ridiculous bedhead, with only the enormous t-shirt he had borrowed from Kagami covering his body.

It highlighted his slenderness and how pale his skin was. It reminded the other about what had happened yesterday. He looked just as cute as he did yesterday. He looked just like it what had caused him to kiss the smaller one.

Kuroko's tired eyes, half closed were the only eyes that were there proving how quickly Taiga's face turned bright red. His teeth bit his lower lip as he turned his face away, focusing only on the food right in front of his eyes. His heart was beating like a crazy inside his chest.

Some part of him wanted to act calm, wanted to just greet him normally with a grin on his lips. Some part of him wanted to walk straight to him, wrap his hands around his body and kiss him again. Some part of him just wanted to scream and run straight out of the nearest window and fall tens of meters downwards until he would hit the street.

The awful mess inside his mind forced him to stay still, like he was frozen, like he was just a piece of something dead.

With his head hanging low, Tetsuya walked to the table, sat down without saying anything. He tried to hide his face, tried comb his bangs down with his fingers, tried to cover his burning hot skin. He hadn't seen himself from a mirror yet, but he knew he looked awful. His hair was like a zombie's. His eyebags were probably awful. His lips and skin felt dry. And his face was just the same shade Taiga's hair.

He squeezed his lips together, chin pressed close to his collarbones, eyelids almost closed as the other finally walked to him, placing a white plate in front of him. A scent of omelette filled with ham reached his nose, his brain. It reminded him about how hungry he actually was.

Silently, with only repressed sounds of radio bringing some noise to the room, he picked up his fork and knife, gently started cutting up his food.

It tasted delicious. But he couldn't get the words out of his mouth. He just sat still, silently, enjoying his meal, not showing any of his emotions, locking them all up inside of him.

The atmosphere in the white, clean kitchen was really pressuring. Even if the radio played silently on the background, you could hear both of their heartbeats. You could hear how their blood rushed in their veins.

You could feel how embarrassed and uneasy both of them were. They tried to calm down, to breathe all the negative feelings out. But every time they inhaled, they filled their lungs with other's negative feelings.

You couldn't escape it.

"...Did you sleep well?" Taiga tried his best to strike up a conversation. He tried to keep his voice calm and steady. But his words were unsure, they were shivering. Hearing his own, unsteady voice made him feel even more uncomfortable.

Had the innocent kiss from yesterday fucked up everything between them? Was it really that big mistake?

Had it ruined his life?

Mind starting to fill up even more mixed up feelings and thoughts, he started trying coming up with some answer to it all. He had to find a way to apologize the other or something. He didn't want to continue like this for too long.

"...Yeah..." the slender bluenette mumbled silently, mouth filled with food. He kept his gaze lowered, didn't want to meet the eyes of the other. "Your bed is really warm and comfortable," he added soon. Neither he did want the awkward moment to continue for too much longer.

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