Chapter 12

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Kuroko let a deep sigh escape from between his lips as the pointers of the clock on the wall finally reached the time of 17:45. His shift was over. Finally. He could go change his clothes and leave.

The Friday had been ultimately boring this time. There had been no customers during the last two hours, except one short woman, maybe about 70 years old, who couldn't hear like anything at all, even if Tetsuya almost shouted at her. Serving her really was pain, but he made it, at last.

The bluenette slowly walked to the front door after checking the empty space, so there was no people even under the chairs or hidden in the corners. He gently pushed the chairs better on their places, straightened the tables and picked up a few pieces of junk he threw into the trash bin. As he reached the door, he couldn't help but stare outside for a couple of seconds.

The Sun had already started to go down. Everything was painted with bright colors of pink and orange. The lights of the city had began to brighten up. In no time it'd be dark night again.

He locked the door up and turned the little sign around, so when you walked past the cafe timeless, there read "closed" instead of "open" at the door. He checked once or twice that the door really was locked, that you couldn't get in without having the key, before he turned his back and walked straight to the locker room.

With his own closet opened, he started pulling off his shirt, his black jeans, his apron, his clothes for work. Wearing only his sky blue boxer shorts he started folding his clothes back to the closet. The air felt cold on his skin, made the small hair all over his body stand up.

He followed the longer pointer of the clock with his eyes every once in a while. Occasionally he picked up his mobile phone and stared at the dim screen for seconds. He was waiting for a call. Kagami should call him in just a few minutes, tell him that he was waiting outside the cafe Timeless.

He was so kind when offering a ride home every once in a while. Often did they stray to the drive-thru of some fast food restaurant and buy something small. Tetsuya always wanted just a small vanilla milkshake, and the other was happy with a hamburger. They had come to the point they didn't even have to ask each other what they wanted.

"Oi! Kuroko!" the bright sound of Hide's voice reached his ears as the dark haired male walked to the cool room. Kuroko got ripped back to the real world from his thoughts. With his heart skipping one beat for being frighened, he pulled his white t-shirt quickly on to protect his almost naked body. It was long enough to hide the area of his hips, too.

"Hide," he said quickly, still feeling how the blood rushed in his veins a bit faster than when he was completely calm. "Don't scare me like that, please," he requested with his polite, soft voice.

The other male laughed quickly when walking to him.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, smiling. Those words didn't come straight from his heart. "I just wanted to ask you, if you could come to the movie with me tonight! There's that new movie where my favorite actor is acting the protagonist and it seems so cool! I'd love to have you to come with me," he smiled, looking straight into Kuroko's blue eyes.

The shorter one went completely speechless. He parted his lips gently, like if he was about to say something, but the words ran away from his mouth.

He couldn't.

But how could he say to his friend that he couldn't? He seemed to be really excited and everything. He didn't want to make that excitement be replaced with disappointment.


"Don't think about your wallet. I will buy you the ticket!" he promised, making the situation even harder to escape from.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2015 ⏰

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