Chapter 5

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Kagami couldn't believe his ears when he heard the soft voice he had heard at cafe Timeless some days ago. He had wanted to hear this voice again for a long time but had already thought that it wouldn't happen ever. Tetsuya had disappeared all of sudden without leaving any signs of himself. It was like he had never existed. But now he was at the other side of the call.

Taiga couldn't say anything for the following ten seconds. His heart started to beat a bit faster in excitement.

So it was Kuroko who had left all those messages in between those books. So it was Kuroko who had made his day for countless times without actually telling who he was. He had found the little message writer who he had named as "the ghost of the library" by an accident.

"Hello?" questioning voice paused Kagami's thoughts forcing him to return back to the moment. He straightened his back and raised his burning eyes to the white ceiling. A small smile was decorating his lips.

"Ah, sorry, I lost a hold of my thoughts" the redhead apologized silently with a small laughter escaping from between his lips. "I found your number from between the Pride and Prejudice and thought I wouldn't lose anything if I actually tried to call. But it seems like I called the best call of my life" the redhead almost whispered his words.

Kuroko raised his eyebrows in confusement as his heart hit one excessive beat. He knew he had heard that voice before, and after a few seconds of thinking he was able to connect the voice with someone's appearance.

"Kagami-kun?" he said quickly, asking if the man really was the one he was thinking. "I didn't expect you to call me randomly like that" the bluenette added as he lowered his gaze down to the floor that was made out of dark wood. He stared at his own toes that were covered with socks. They didn't match each other. The right one was light green with a bit darker vertical stripes, and the left one was bubblegum pink with white dots and it's fabric was a bit thicker than the green one's. Well, who cared about his socks? All that mattered was that his feet were protected from freezing.

He was surprised that someone called him, someone else than Hide. He was surprised that someone had found his little message, he was surprised that someone really paid attention to them. And what he was the most surprised, was that Kagami, that redhead who he had served at the coffee shop a bit more than a week ago had found his message and called him, contacted him.

He was surprised of his words. "The best call of his life"? What did he mean by that? So did he really want to meet him again?

Well, both of them clearly had lots of fun during that night when they talked about everything. That was an unusual night for both of them. Tetsuya also had thought about it, about what if they could meet again? What if they could get to know each other better? What if they could become friends? What if they could become a part of each others' life?

"Kuroko?" the voice asked, dragging the slender male back from his thoughts. "Are you still there?" the voice asked, sounding a bit concerned.

"Yes. Sorry" he apologized immediately with a polite tone in his voice as he raised his eyes from the floor. He had turned his back to the big bedroom he had been spending his nights at for some time now. He was facing the wall, back turned to the empty space. He didn't want to be interrupted during the call. He tried to focus just on his phone and the voice that echoed in his ears and mind. "To be honest, I'm glad you called," he said without no hesitation.

Taiga couldn't help but just stare at the ceiling above him. His stomach growled begging for attention and caretaking, for food, but he ignored it. He could go and seek for food later, after the call that in the best case would change his life.

"I never thought that anyone would actually read my messages, or especially find my number or call me. But it seems someone did," Tetsuya started silently, actually not knowing what to say. He was so confused that he couldn't help but smile, ending up looking like an idiot. "And to happen that the one who find that was you... I don't know what to say" some happiness started to sound through his polite and steady voice. He couldn't hide his smile from his tone.

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