(1) Your Life, Your Story

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You were a shitfaced wreak, hungover over from a late-night drink with your friends. And you had to admit that you had surprised yourself with the unholy amount you had consumed. In truth, you weren't a heavy drinker at all you were usually the person who'd refuse to drink.

Fortunately, nothing had gone downhill last night, there had been only one problem, and that problem was you.

You had hosted a bit of a party at a local bar, inviting a few of your friends to join you. But you had been in a mood to try a few beers, which had, unfortunately, been enough to get you drunk.

Fortunately, you had made it home safely the night before. But to go right back to the cons, you were now suffering the consequences of your uncontrolled actions... and all the money management issues that came with it.

And yet another downside was that no human was immune to the grotesque after play of poison. You were practically immobilized on the couch with a stomach full of the repulsive acid. This was for sure not the way you wanted to go down in life.

You couldn't stand to be the type of person you despised, to be drunk all the time. Always out in the streets randomly throwing up on the sidewalk and leaving gross intestinal fluids behind. It didn't at all seem to be a fun or enjoyable life, it was the kind of future that was on your never-to-become list.

You reluctantly shifted onto your side, feeling the burning substance in your stomach turn with you. At this point you would say you were probably dying; it wouldn't be an untrue statement either.

You had ingested too much poison, much more than your body could handle on its own. And it only brought more torment to your physical state, the more you thought of it, the more your horrendous situation settled in.

And not just the alcoholic problem, but the money one too. You were only able to live in such a big apartment since your parents were helping you out, and by 'helping,' they might as well have owned the tiny place. But you still had to pay for food and the 'smaller' bills.

You did earn money doing commissions but considering that the government was greedy for, well, everything, they had been increasing the tax prices. And if they kept that up, you wouldn't be able to live in any apartment, no matter how small.

And to imagine if that did happen, it would be back to square one for you, you'd be forced to finish college and be stuck with a long-lasting loan on your head.

While you did love your parents dearly, living with them for just one more month would drive you insane. You had already spent over 21 years with them, anything more, and you would officially be labeled as insane.

As much as you probably needed to go to college, it would mean forking up your small apartment and rights to your own space. You still had some hope of avoiding your parents for just a tad bit longer, all it required you to do is some extensive job browsing.

You wanted to browse for all the jobs that would require you to use your finer skills of drawing, painting, designing, and so forth. But to find a good paying place, (not led by a bunch of idiots) would be a whole nightmare.

But the concerning problem you needed to solve right now?

Who would want to hire you to do some art requests of theirs? Who'd even pay someone to have their art just sitting on a wall when there was a huge chance it would get easily ruined? That was the main reason a lot of art was put to waste in the first place.

But at this point in procrastination, you were truthfully leaning towards the viable option of doing art tutorials on YouTube and Tumblr. That would be a great life choice, if not your best one.

-Bipolar- Moon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now