(25) Truth

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Clearing your mind, that was why you were here, but it was pointless. The loud sounds, the ear destroying music, the cheering, it only gave you a migraine. Even the smell of alcohol and dusty surfaces was enough to put you on edge.

You regretted coming here, in fact, you would prefer to go back to your newest space of comfort, your office. It was quiet there; it wasn't a sensory overload as it was here. You would rather enjoy the remaining hours between now and your confrontation with Moon.

Even so, what were you going to bring up? You couldn't just bring up the fact that there were 47 incidents, you'd have to know what you were getting into. It was unfair to both you and Moon. 

And even so, you (probably) wouldn't have seen anything had Shelby not directed you to look at them. Was she trying to sabotage you? Or was she concerned for your safety? Either way, it was a question your brain refused to answer honestly.

You started your descent down the stairs, yes, you planned on going back to where you had just come from. You needed to confront Moon, and you needed to do it off of evidence, not a whim. Moon had been nice enough to talk to you, had been nice enough to help you reunite with Shelby.

You exited the arcade, the nearest staff entrance was on your right, so it didn't take longer than a minute for you to be in the maintenance tunnels. Back in the labyrinth, if you were going to be honest, you were starting to recognize the twists and turns. Suppose you had been down here long enough for the map to start forming in your brain.

You quickly made it to your office door, pushing it open and closing it behind you. The overhead light providing a faint glow, reminding you of the singular lightbulb that could often be seen in interrogations.

You sat down in your chair, grabbing a random disc from the bottom of the dividing folder. Without a second thought you popped the clear case open and put the disc into your computer, which you had left turned on.

Once the computer was processing the disk you noticed the name written in sharpie on the outside of the case.

"Jellse Fiogau."

Must've been the name of the person with Moon, you guessed.

A beep alerted your attention back to your monitor, your eyes drawn to the screen.



Jellse Fiogua, incident report 27.

"Mechanic Jellse? What's to do so late?" It was Moon's voice. On screen was the protective cylinder, you'd only ever seen it once. The feed went static for a couple seconds before Moon could be seen walking into the area, looking over his shoulder at something off screen.

"Roxanne's got a bit of a problem, I was actually going to ask if you could help me." Admitted Jellse, following Moon into the room after a few seconds.

"Unfortunate. What's happened?" Moon started walking toward the door with the pink keytar symbol, supposedly you guessed it was Roxanne's door that led to her personal greenroom.


The feed cut out. You were left staring at it, confused. 

But then it cut back, an entirely different scene displayed before you.


"Ruined!" Roxanne was storming off, an employee on the floor heavily bleeding out by three large abrasions that had been engraved into the male's upper chest region. The door slammed behind the angry wolf-like animatronic, furious, that was what she had been.

Jellse, Moon and the injured employee remained in the room. Moon was towering over Jellse in a menacing fashion, not that he was doing anything, but was just standing eerily close to her. Jellse backed up, running into Moon, yelped and spun around to look up at Moon. "Stay back!" She shouted at Moon, pointing her finger at him to make sure he got the message.

Moon seemed surprised by this, his body untensing as he took a hunched over position. Hands swaying between his legs as he came eye level to Jellse. Moon glanced over at the bleeding employee, eyes wide from the shock of the action. "No, don't move." Commanded Jellse, seeing the small movement of Moon's faceplate, signaling that he was thinking about the other mechanic.


"No buts." Jellse looked over at the wounded person, an undecisive look crossing her face. A mix of fear and desperation.

"Jellse, he's injured." Moon spoke quickly to avoid being cut off, but he made no move to help out, clearly obeying Jellse's orders.


"It's required in protocol to provide first-aid when I can." Moon's fingertips twitched, a sign of his antsy state as he thought about disobeying Jellse.

"You're also required to do as I say." Jellse replied, inching closer to the bleeding male, Moon, a barrier between the two.

"I've got priorities." Hissed Moon who turned around, kneeling down to help the employee stand up. Still in shock, but aware of his surroundings.

Jellse seemed surprised, instead of fighting the animatronic, backing up toward the nearest door which was directly behind her. Moon glanced at her, but made no move to attack her, instead helping the injured employee who was whispering his pain through curses.

"This is going in your report." Jellse threatened, voice wavering. But Moon didn't see at all phased by the threat, instead, ignoring her.

Moon used coaxing words to get the employee to stand up who had his hands pressed against the three abrasions, the fabric had done nothing to protect him from harm.

"F-Fine." Jellse said at last, leaving the room as Moon turned to lead the other mechanic out of the 1-way room.



Then it ended.

That was the end.

Moon hadn't done anything, in fact, he was fixing the mistake of another animatronic.

Was this what you were worried about? Or had you randomly pulled out the one disc that him being the good guy?

But that had been report 27, and he didn't seem to care about the threat. Were all his reports really based on a threat of another employee being scared?

If Moon was 'normal,' then... What had been the problem with Montgomery?

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