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He would take you on a simple date since he's a little nervous. Maybe a concert or the cinema, you'd both listen to rock music in the car and he'd make jokes the whole time, making you laugh and feel more at ease.

Marcus would take you on something more traditional, he really wants to impress you and he's secretly a romantic. Expect a fancy meal and some expensive alcohol. He'd probably bring flowers too.

Sweet Josh is a little clueless about dating, so he'd let you pick what you both do, either way he'd shower you with attention and the occasional fact or five. At first he's nervous but he soon starts talking when you both talk about what you have in common.

Sitara's pretty confident, since she's artsy and bold, she'd want to take you on a date like no other. Expect something dramatic like a picnic on top of a building or streaming a movie whilst sitting somewhere isolated and high up. The girl loves heights.

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