First Kiss

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You first kiss with Wrench would be when you're both drunk, you'd both be laughing in a corner together and he'd take off his mask for some air, shocked at how confident he is around you, you'd widen your eyes and Wrench would lean forward and kiss you, making your breath hitch.

Both of you would be super happy that a mission went well, since it was pretty risky. High on adrenaline and pure joy you'd both look at each other, reaching for an another at the same time, Marcus's hands tangle in your hair.

Poor Josh was so nervous, you'd both been alone doing something together and happy when he asks if you like him, he admits he likes you. It would be sweet and a lot of blushing would be involved, he'd ask if he can kiss you and of course you say yes. He'd cup your face and gently press a chaste kiss to your lips.

Your both working on some art on a billboard, the night sky your backdrop, you'd laugh at the paint on Sitara's face and brush it away with your thumb, before leaning away. She'd pull you forward and kiss you like there's no tomorrow, both of you getting more paint over yourselves and laughing about it afterwards.

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