When You're Scared

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When you're scared Wrench will hold you close, letting you nestle into him, his scent of musk and cigarette smoke filling your nose. He'll sit you down, you on his lap and ask you about it, he'll listen intently and tuck your hair behind your ears, pressing a kiss to your lips and telling you you're safe with him.

Marcus hates seeing you scared, so he'll give you hugs and always hold your hand, he'll put on a movie or music to keep your mind occupied whilst he strokes your hair and plays with it, lulling you into a state of drowsiness. He'll stay by your side and make you hot chocolate too, constantly scanning your face for any signs of worry.

Josh doesn't know what to do when you're scared, so he does the best he can and give you hugs, making you a hot drink and talking to you about the randomest of things to take your mind off of being scared, he'll ask what's wrong and try to fix it. He'll let you lay on him and Josh will gently rub your back, soothing you.

When you're scared, Sitara gets scared, she hates seeing you so vulnerable, so she'll give you a pep talk and smother you in blankets, passing you chocolate for serotonin and a shot of whiskey for courage and sleep, she'll try to keep you calm by gently singing and trying to get you to sing along, which makes you smile.

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