Your Birthday

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Wrench would absolutely treat you like royalty on your birthday, waking you up with a special gift😉Then taking you for breakfast somewhere nice, you'd spend the day doing whatever you want, Wrench paying for everything. In the evening he'd give you your present, a handmade necklace he made himself, a copy of your favourite book annotated by him and a robot for you (but he secretly wanted it for himself...he figures you'll share).

He wakes you up blasting a happy birthday song, tickling you and laughing as you laugh. He'll cook you your favourite breakfast before taking you to do some fun things of your choice, later thay evening he'd give you your presents, an expensive piece of jewelery, some perfume and a handmade weapon since you want to join him on more missions.

Josh was nervous about your birthday, but as soon as you woke up he gave you lots of kisses and cuddles, gifting you flowers and pastries. You'd both spend the day inside, relaxing and him showering you with cuddles and compliments, being surprisingly intimate and running you a lovely bath, which you both take together.

She wakes you up with kisses before pulling you out of bed and giving you a giant cake she baked (it's delicious) then she gives you your presents, some beauty things and an expensive dress. She's planned a giant party for you, and so she does your hair and makeup and pampers you before you both go party the night away, her always close by and grabbing you around the waist, neck kisses are her favourite to give.

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