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Wrench would usually get angry at something trivial, leading him to be in a terrible mood, he might sometimes accidently snap at you, starting an argument. Don't worry, after some quiet time alone, he'll realise his mistakes and come back to you, showering you with love and lots of bedroom time...

Marcus is a pretty chill person, so you might get annoyed when his calm demeanour is just a little too chill. You might overreact and get emotional, which leads to you snapping at him, he'll try to calm things down which escalates things, and then he might start getting mad too. You'll both stop arguing and immediately make up.

Josh gets quite stressed about some things, and sometimes this leads to him being sensitive and overly emotional, he might have his temper on a short leash and one tiny thing you do that he isn't keen on may make him snap. He'll just shout and leave, going away for hours at a time. But once he comes back, quite than usual, you'll understand it's part of him and what he needs is cuddles and calm time. He'll apologise profusely the next day.

Sitara is a relatively calm person, but she has her limits, if something nags at her she'll keep it to herself, but after a while her mood will turn sour. If you ask about if she'll get defensive and snappy, usually ranting about everything, but once its all out she'll sigh and apologise, taking you out for food or taking you somewhere high up to enjoy a nice view of San Francisco.

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