Stealing Their Clothes

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Wrench adores it when you steal his clothes, whether it be his jumpers or tees, he loves how big they look on you and it feeds his possessiveness knowing he's always with you in some form. Hell often come up behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle and kissing your neck, telling you how good you look. He also definitely gets a little turned on by it, and will ask if you can keep the clothing on a few times during the bedroom dance...

Marcus always acts fake annoyed when you plop his hat off of his head and onto yours, but his laugh gives it away when the hat slides down to your nose. He'll always joke about and gently flick your nose and kiss it before reclaiming his hat.

Josh has an odd attachment to his hoodie, so when you steal his favourite he always sighs and gets a tiny bit moody, but when he sees how cosy you are he can't help but to smile and ask if you're comfy. Josh has a stock of the same jumper since it's his favourite, so sometimes you both might match.

Stealing Sitara's clothes is like throwing yourself in front of a swerving bus, sometimes she'll laugh and compliment you, checking you out and kissing you, other times she'll frown and tell you to take it off. She's a tad bit of a fashionista, so expect lots of raised eyebrows and smiles alongside some pressed lips and head shakes. However Sitara does have a soft spot when you steal her hair ties, she'll sometimes do your hair for you and put her own scrunchies in, it's her way of claiming you.

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