Valentine's Day

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Wrench isn't really into the whole Valentine's Day thing, but he'll try to make somewhat of an effort for you. You both spend the day together playing video games and eating pizza for dinner, watching both of your favourite movies, before taking a nice bath together in the evening where he'll spice things up...

Marcus is a classic romantic when it comes to Valentine's Day, he wakes you up with kisses and tickles, a bunch of red roses at hand. Then he'll cook you breakfast as you both chill. You both might spend the day out strolling through San Francisco or visiting different shops. In the evening he'll tell you that he's reserved a table at a fancy restaurant that you both have a romantic date at.

Josh hates Valentine's Day, but he'll get you a small present such as some flowers and chocolate, then he'll just spend the day with you, being a little more cuddly than usual. In the evening you both might celebrate your relationship with a small dosage of wine, since he doesn't take to alcohol very well.

Sitara loves any excuse to treat you, so Valentine's Day is a big deal to her. She'll cook you your favourite breakfast and you'll both spend the morning in bed, before you both go on a little date to a quaint cafe, after you both might take a nature stroll until she pulls you up many flights of stairs so you can both enjoy the views of San Francisco together.

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