If Blume Caught You

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If you got caught, Wrench would be absolutely pissed at whoever has you. He goes into a mixture of panic and anger, punching things and worrying what to do. His plan obviously involves coming to get you guns blazing, but the others convince him that there's a better way to do things. He's so angry that his mind works overtime, and his hacking skills are at his finest, so good luck whoever has you, because he's on his way for you.

Marcus definitely is shocked, he can't believe it and questions what went wrong. He's stressed and can't think straight, but he's also pissed at Blume. With the help of the others he devises a plan, but he's a little off his game and worried about you. He'll constantly check camera footage to see how you are and where you are, and plans to hurt anyone who hurts you.

Josh panics. He's not a hands on dude, so as soon as he's comforted by the others, his anger comes out. He just snaps and sits down, hacking the shit out of Blume and destroying anything in his path, even the others are a little concerned about how much damage he's causing just to get you back. He knows you well, so he just assists you behind a screen as you escape on your own.

The girl is mad, she paces and will shout, fuming at your stupid mistake yet she's so scared for you. Her mind won't stop and she's no use to helping you, so the others step in to get you out. She'll do what she can providing a distraction, but other than that she just wants you back so she can yell at you before hugging you tightly.

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