Chapter 1: Arrival

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The heroes are now flying toward the spaces between worlds. Yuu and Miki look around in awe as they see the stars all around. They never knew that they could see the stars in space up close. Now they both feel happy to be with their new friends on their adventures now. 

Yuu: This is truly incredible. 

Miki: Yeah, it is. 

They both look at Sora. Sora looks at them, and smiles. 

Sora: Yeah. You guys would be glad to see the stars. Ruby and her friends felt the same way too, along with Kai, Momo, Sae, and Toji. 

Yuu: So, what do we do now?

Riku: We do what we normally do. Go to other worlds, and find out if there's any evil doing harm to the world. And find more cards for our monsters. The more monsters we gain, the more stronger we become.

Kairi: Yeah. And we might even get more new teammates on our group, so we can fight evil. 

Donald: Something tells me that our ship is gonna need to be more bigger if that does happen often.

Goofy: Don't worry. Chip and Dale will get that done once we tell them. 

Roxas: So for now, let's look for another world to look at. 

Miki: It sounds rough for all of you guys.

Yang: It is, but it's worth if it means helping people. 

Kai: Well, let's find another world. 

Sae: Wait. While we're doing that, let's check out two of our new monsters, along with Yuu and Miki's. 

Momo: Why?

Weiss: I know why. It's because we need to see their powers and attacks. 

Sora: Oh, yeah. 

Sora takes out Gazelle and Lesser dragon. He looks at them. He sees that Gazelle has the power of speed, and his claws are the most powerful attack he has. And his power grows as the moon is out. Lesser dragon's power is like a predator. It doesn't have fire breath, doesn't have wings. But it can fight well like a lion. Yuu and Miki take out their cards. Silver Fang has the power of the wolf, like any other wolf. With the full moon at night, he'll be unstoppable. He'll have the power of speed and strength in his claws as long as the moon remains full at night. But he'll still be strong at night. And Mystical Elf is a healing monster. She can't fight, but she knows how to make defenses. Such as shields, and protective armor. These are good monsters they have. Just then, one of the monitors beep. 

Coco: Looks like we're coming up on another world. Better go check it out. 

Sora: We're on it. 

They all fly down to the world. Meanwhile, at the castle of dark Illusions, Maleficent tries to think of a plan to destroy the heroes. Just then Invader comes in. 

Invader: My queen. They're heading for the vampire world now. I think we got them now. 

Maleficent: Excellent. But we still need a monster down there. 

Doma: Well, I think I know the one. Fear has once again created her own. 

Fear coos as her eyes glow, and a monster card appears in her hands. She giggles at this. Maleficent smiles, and takes the card. She gives it to Doma. 

Doma: This monster is called Ryu Kokki. His main weapon is his large power stomach which could power his strength. And he could capture anyone he sees, and steal their intelligence. 

Maleficent: Yes! He's delightfully evil. Bring him forth!

Doma nods, and turns around. She faces the skull, and throws it inside. She calls out. 

Doma: Evil spirits of all that is evil, bring forth this monster to serve the queen and the princess! Ryu Kokki, come forth!

Lightning strikes from inside the skull, and evil laughing is heard. Then, something out of the skull is a big monster. He has a huge grin, and skeletons and skulls for armor. And has a horn. 

Maleficent: (Walks to him while holding Fear) Oh! 

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Maleficent: (Walks to him while holding Fear) Oh! 

Ryu Kokki: Ryu Kokki at your service, my queen! You are a sight for sore eyes, my mistress. I assume that I can be of service to you? 

Maleficent: Yes!

Ryu Kokki: (Bows to her) Aye aye, my queen! 

Invader: Go down to the vampire world, and meet up with one of the leaders of the vampire ranks. 

Ryu Kokki: Aye!

He teleports away to go down into the world. Maleficent and Invader, believing that the heroes have finally met their match. Once they're on that world, they won't know what is in stored for them down there. The Gummi ship flies over the world. Everyone looks at it, and stares at it. 

Namine: Well, here we are. 

Yuu: What do you suppose we'll find down there? 

Goofy: Well, the only way we'll know is to go down there and find out. 

Ruby: Yeah. 

Jaune: Wait, guys. Something's not right. I sense something darker down there.

Sora: Yeah, I sense it too.

Kai: What kind?

Jaune: I don't know yet, but it feels like more ancient then anything. 

Riku: They're right. 

Weiss: Guys, I also forgot to show you all something. 

She walks over to a drawer, and opens it. She takes out some some kind of watches. She hands them all to each and every one of the team. They all look at them.

Ruby: What are these, Weiss?

Weiss: I built communicator watches. We now have connection to our ship, Chip, Dale, and ourselves. We can communicate with each other on these. And also...

She pushes a button on her watch, and she teleports out of the ship. Everyone looks in surprise. Then, they look at their communicators. They push the buttons, and they too teleport out of the ship down to the world. Zwei is also teleported out as Ruby holds him in her arms. Then, they make it down to the world. They all look around, and see that they're back in Los Angeles. And it's nighttime. 

Weiss: Yep. I also add teleportation on our watches too. We can teleport to the worlds, and back to our ship. 

Sora: Excellent work, Weiss.

Winter: Yeah. Nice, little sister.

Weiss smiles at them. They all decide to look around the place to look for clues. But just then, something jumps them. It's Ryu Kokki. He catches them by surprise. He uses his horn to knock them all out by using knock0out gas. They all cough and fall down on the road. Ryu chuckles at this as someone else comes out of an alley. He smirks as he sees this. What's gonna happen to the heroes now? But little do they know, they're about to see that this world has its own heroes that is protecting it. 

Here's the first chapter of Kingdom Hearts: Blade. Looks like the heroes have arrived to a new world. And Weiss has made watch communicators for themselves. And Fear has made herself another monster for her mother. His name is Ryu Kokki. Looks like he managed to capture the heroes by catching them off guard. What will happen to them now? Find out on the next chapter. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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