Chapter 9: Round 2, Whistler's death

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Back at the hideout, Karen is helping Whistler unload a truck. The heroes are all sitting down, thinking what else to do. Just then, Blade and John come out of their rooms. Blade is holding something as they walk to Whistler. 

Blade: Whistler. 

Blade hands him a piece of one of the pages from the archives. Whistler looks at it.

Whistler: What is this? (Sniffs) Smells like a vampire wiped his butt with it. 

Weiss: Ugh. Don't remind us, please. 

Blade: I took it from the archives. 

Whistler: It's written in blood. 

John: It's from the book of Erebus. We think it's what Frost has been working on. 

Whistler: It's something about the Blood God, the spirits of the 12. I--I don't know. I can't make out the rest of it. 

Blade: (Hands him the disk) Maybe this'll help. 

Whistler: (Takes it) I'll figure out something. 

He walks to his desk. Blade and John walk over to see the stuff they've brought in. 

Blade: So what's all this?

Karen: Took a trip to the hospital last night, borrowed some equipment. 

John: Were you seen?

Karen: Nope. 

Blade: For your miracle cure? 

Karen: (Shows him a bottle) This is E.D.T.A. It's an anticoagulant. We use it to treat blood clots. Now look what happens when I introuduce it onto a sample of vampire blood.

She works on it, and mixes it with vampire blood. She puts it on a microscope.

Karen: Take a step back. The reaction's energetic. 

Blade looks down on the microscope. Nothing happens for a second, but then, the blood explodes, and it breaks the glass. Blade and John jump back as everyone jumps. Whistler looks at them, and snickers. Some of the heroes laugh at this. Blade looks at Karen in disbelief. 

Blade: Some cure. 

Karen: I didn't say E.D.T.A. was a cure. But maybe you both could use it to explode some vampire heads.

John: (Looks at her) Hmm. Not a bad idea. I can make some darts with that. 

Blade and John put on their sunglasses, and are about to leave, but Karen stops them. 

Karen: Wait a minute. I need samples of your blood.

Blade: Later. Gotta go downtown. Need some serum. 

Whistler: Serum can wait. This is important. 

Karen takes them both. Whistler turns around, and walks as he starts coughing. Everyone looks at him. Karen injects needles inside Blade and John's arms. Whistler continues coughing as he works. Ruby looks at him with a worried look on her face. 

Ruby: Blade, John, is Whistler sick? 

Blade: Cancer. 

John: Started two months ago. He's been fighting it ever since. 

Karen: You two have a lot of love for him, don't you? 

Blade: We have a good arrangement. He makes the weapons. We use 'em. 

Karen: You know, my mother used to say, " A cold heart is a dead heart."

John and Blade look at her as she finishes taking their blood. Later on, both Blade and John go out with the heroes. They're at downtown. They're all walking on the sidewalk, walking with other people. They're heading to a store to get some stuff for the serum. 

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