Chapter 6: Chasing familiars, Pearl

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It is nighttime, and the heroes wait with John for Oliver to come back. So far, he hasn't come back yet. 

Weiss: I don't think he's coming back to his car. Not everyone that's stupid. 

John: Believe me, when you understand the nature of a thing, you know what it's capable of. 

Riku: Hey, check it out.

They all see Oliver running back to his car. John smirks at this. He gets in his car, and rides off. The heroes all follow him as John rides on his motorcycle. In Oliver's car, he gets on the radio. 

Oliver: This is Oliver. I'm at 14-7-0-1. 

Dispatch: Yes? 

Oliver: Get me through. Krieger, are you there?

Krieger on radio: Yeah, I'm here. I just got a run-in with Blade. 

Oliver: Yeah, I also got a run-in with Helsing too. We got a delivery in progress here. We got to clear out that clinic on Hillhurst now! 

Krieger on radio: I'll meet you over there! 

They all follow them. Blade joins them with Karen in his car. John then notices a Vampire attacking a woman in an alley. He takes out a pistol, and fires at it. It roars as he gets shot in the head. It turns into ashes. The woman is fine, and she runs off. The heroes all stop as John parks his bike on the side. He sees the two police cars park by a dark-blue building. He notices the sign on the building. Blade parks by him, and he sees it. 

Blade: Looks like we hit pay dirt. That's a vampire mark. It means that there's a safe house around here somewhere, a place they can go with donors coming. 

John: Yeah. (Points at the people at the building) See the valets over there? They're vampires. So is the doorman and the clubgirl on the corner. 

Karen: How can you both tell? 

Blade: By the way they move, the way they smell. 

They spot Krieger and Oliver running to the building with the cases of blood. They run inside. Karen turns around as Blade tosses her a bag. 

Karen: It's like a bad dream. 

Blade: There are worse things out tonight than vampires. 

Karen: Like what?

Blade: Like me and John.

They all move towards the building. Weiss then looks at Blade and John.

Weiss: Ok, so crosses can't do anything to them. What about holy water? 

John: Holy water doesn't kill them. It does scare them though, because it can stun them too, but only for ten minutes. Vampire anatomy 101. Keep that in mind. 

Blade: Yeah, so forget what you've seen in the movies. You use a stake, silver, or sunlight. (Hands Karen a pistol) You know how to use one of these? 

Karen: (Takes it) Nope...but I'll dang sure learn quick. 

Blade: The safety's off, rounds already chambered, silver hollow point filled with garlic. You aim for the head or the heart. Anything else is your butt. 

John: Stick close to us. We'll get you in.

They make it in front of the building, and the doorman stops them as he speaks in Asian. 

Doorman: Do you have an invitation? 

Everyone looks at each other, and both Blade and John take off their sunglasses. 

John: Yes. Yes, we do. 

Both of them kick the doorman through the door, and he lands on a glass shelf, shattering it. Everyone walks inside. In the club, dozens of Japanese vampires are all around. They're sitting down on tables while watching two girls singing in Asian. The hunters, heroes, and Karen walk in, and the vampires notice them as they walk by. Just then, Krieger and Oliver are walking for the exit.

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