Chapter 10: Edgewood towers, Blade's mother

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John and Blade ride their bikes through the towers as they arrive there. The heroes aren't with them for some reason. They keep making noises with the bikes. And then, they come out of hiding. Guards are all over the place. They land the bikes, and glare at the guards. They both pull out their weapons, and open fire on the guards. They all drop down like flies from the machine gun fire. They fire all around, taking down all the guards. Then, they pull out their shotguns, and cock them. They open fire again, taking down more guards. They find one guard still alive. They walk over to him, and point their weapon at him.

Guard: No! Please! I just work for them!

Whistler shows up in their heads, and then, they shoot him without hesitation. They go further inside the towers. They see that they're locking the place down. They walk down a hall, and two trained fighters come across them with electric rods. They charge at them, and fight them. John and Blade fight back. Blade takes on one, and John takes on the other one. They punch and punch, but they dodge and block their attacks. Then, they both take out darts, and stab them with them. Then, their bodies start inflat, and they scream agony as the serum does its work on them. And then, they both explode into pieces, splattering blood. John smirks at this as he and Blade continue onward. Then, they come across a door. Blade opens it, and they walk into a white room. Frost is not in the room. They find his desk and computer. They walk to it, and turn it on. It shows the footage from the disk. They look at it, and then they hear something. They turn around, and see a white, metallic coffin open up. And who is inside makes Blade shock. Inside it is a beautiul, dark-skinned woman with curly hair in a white dress. She's lying in it, and once she sees Blade, she is shocked. 

Woman: Eric?

Blade takes off his sunglasses, as he recognizes her. It's his mother. He remembers her dying as she reaches for him. John looks at him, and at her. 

Blade: But you died. 

Woman: I came back, Eric. That very same night...when Deacon welcomed me into his arms. 

Both Blade and John look at her. Frost was the one who did this to her. He was the one who bit her that night. But John then thinks. What happened to his mother? But as they look a her, they're suddenly attacked from behind. Frost shocks them both. They both yell as they fall down. Then, the guards start shocking them all around with tasers. Frost walks over to Blade's mother, and kisses her. Blade and John try to fight back, but can't. Frost and Blade's mother walk over to them as they're still getting shocked. 

Frost: Gee whiz. I thought you'd be happy. You're finally being reunited with your mother, and you act like this? Blade, give it up. It's over. She belongs to me, buddy. 

John: (Glares at him) Where's my mother?! Did you do that to her too?!

Frost: No, Johnny. I wasn't the one. That was someone else. I really don't know what happened to her. 

They both charge at him, but they get tased again. They fall down on their knees. 

Frost: Don't look so surprised. You spent your whole life looking for the vampire who bit your mother. Well, here I am. 

Then, Frost tasses them on the back of their necks. They both fall down on the floor. The last thing John hears of Frost talking before blacking out. 

Frost's voice: Who would ever guess you'd survive your mother's death? But you did. And here we big happy freaking family. Except you, John. But it's ok. If your mother truly is dead, you'll be with her soon. I'm sure of it. Invader will be happy to see you.  

Then, John closes his eyes and blacks out. The last thing he thinks is that he hopes that Sora and his friends will follow them as they'll see that they'll need their help. Frost has his hands on Blade, and Invader will get John too. What will happen now?  

Here's the tenth chapter of Kingdom Hearts: Blade. Sorry if this is short. Looks like Blade got the shock of his life. His mother is alive, but is a vampire. And now they're both captured, except for the heroes. Can Sora and his friends save Blade, Karen, and John, and stop Frost, along with Invader and the Ryu Kokki monster? Find out on the next chapter. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. And Happy new Year, everyone!    

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