Chapter 2: Nightclub, meeting Blade and John Helsing

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The heroes are all still knocked-out. They're all laying down in a room. They're in some kind of draining room to drain out water or blood, like a slaughterhouse. Just then, Sora begins to wake up. He groans, and opens his eyes slowly. As he wakes up, he hears rock music. He sits up, and looks around. He sees his friends next to him. Then, he spots people dancing to the music. The music also begins to wake up the rest of the heroes. They all groan, and sit up. 

Sae: Wha..?

Kai: What's going on?

Sora: I don't know. But something jumped us. 

Kairi: Yeah. (Looks around) Sora, where are we?

Sora: I don't know. I just woke up before you guys, and we're here. 

Riku: (Points at the dancing people) Maybe they brought us here. 

Yuu: But why? 

Miki: They're probably on drugs or just drinking too much. 

Some people come into the drain area to dance. They all look around. Then, a young man walks by and stares at them as he walks. Sora looks at him too. 

Sora: (Thinks) Why am I getting a bad feeling about this?

As the man disappears in the crowd, Sora then feels something falling on his hand. He looks down, and looks. It's something red. Ruby and the others feel it. They taste it, but spit it out. 

Blake: Yuck. 

Yuu: Jeez! It tasted...just like...

Just then, everyone noticing the dancers are all putting their hands up in the air, like they're waiting for something. Winter then spots the DJ with the equipment. He yells out as a light shines on a banner behind him. It says, "Bloodbath". Then, blood sprays out from fire sprinklers on the ceiling. The dancers all cheer as blood sprays on them. The heroes all cover themselves as the blood sprays on them too. Sora stays by Kairi as she whimpers. Ruby screams as her hair and clothes get covered in blood. Yang covers her as she tries to keep the blood off her. The dancers continue cheer as they also continue dancing. Some of them also start touching the heroes. 

Velvet: No! No! Stop! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! 

Weiss: Get away! Get away! No! 

Kairi continues whimpering as a man looks at her. His face is covered in blood. 

Man: What's wrong, cutie? 

He hisses, revealing four sharp fangs. Kairi screams in shock and fear. The heroes see this, and also freak out. The dancers all have sharp fangs as they growl and hiss at the heroes. Some of them even laugh at their fear. 

Momo: No! No! 

Jaune: They're...They're...

Yuu: Vampires!

The heroes all get up, and try to get out, but the vampires kick them all down on the floor. As they do, they also see someone else crawling to them while being kicked. Just then, the vampires all stop kicking as the heroes notice unblooded boots and black clothing are standing in front of them. The sprinklers stop spraying blood. The cheering slows down as some clap their hands. The heroes all look up, and look at the black clothing figures. They're both also wearing armor on themselves, and are also wearing sunglasses. The heroes all get up as the young man crawls to safely. The vampires all look at the two men. 

Vampire: Is that them?

Vampire 2: Jeez, that's them. 

Vampire 3: It's Blade and Helsing. It's the daywalkers. 

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