1. The party

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TW: SA and alcohol.

I sat with my two friends at lunch. The cafeteria was packed. They were both in their cheerleading uniforms, giggling about some new rumor. We'd been friends for years. They were more popular than I was. Not that I was unpopular, I just wasn't a cheerleader. Chrissy sat at the table next to us with the more popular cheerleaders and jocks. She was very sweet, but we didn't like her group much. One of the boys from their table wandered over, grinning. Andy looked at us, a creepy look in his eye.

"So, ladies, you going to the party tonight?" He looked at my friends. My friend Amanda looked at my other friend, Sarah. Then they both turned to me. I shrugged. Sarah replied for us all.

"Yeah, we'll come." He grinned and turned to me.

"Elizabeth, you're coming too, right?" he didn't wait for my answer. "Mitchell will be happy to hear that." He grinned at me like he knew something I didn't. He walked back to his table of jocks. Amanda turned to me.

"Mitchell has a crush on you." She smiled cheekily. I grimaced and the two girls laughed. They knew how I felt about those boys. I wasn't the prettiest or most popular girl in school, but I had been asked on a few dates before. I'd been on one or two, but they never really went anywhere. I looked past the girls and saw Mitchell staring at me. He wasn't unattractive but I knew what he was like, and I really wasn't interested. It was just a silly crush, and he would likely forget it pretty quickly.

"Want to come over to mine at 8 and we can get ready together?" Sarah asked us. "Party starts at 9 so it gives us an hour." We both nodded at her and started talking about what we were going to wear. We kept talking until the bell rang. We stood up and walked to class together. We didn't have the same class, but our classrooms were in the same direction. Amanda waved and ran into a nearby classroom leaving Sarah and I to walk to our class. Maths was a long and boring class. Sarah and I spent most of it whispering about the party. I was actually looking forward to it. I was a bit more introverted than my two friends, but I did enjoy dressing up and going out.

Amanda drove Sarah and I home and we all promised to meet at Sarah's house at 8. I ran inside and said a very quick hello to my mother and ran up the stairs to my room. I rummaged through my closet. I knew it would take me forever to figure out my outfit. I eventually settled on a black dress, it was short and tight but had a high neck and long sleeves. I figured it would be okay with some black tights. I looked at the clock and pulled some black heels on. My mother agreed to drive me to Sarah's house. I arrived with my hair still a mess and barefaced. I knew Amanda and Sarah would know how to fix that.

Sure enough at 9 I arrived at the party with a full face of makeup and my hair brushed and clipped back. I was nervous but my friends reassured me, and we stepped inside to a room filled with music and people. We walked over to the kitchen, and each took a shot to start off the night. We grabbed some drinks and just stood around talking as we drank. A boy came up to Sarah and started flirting with her. She seemed to like him, and they ended up moving to a couch and chatting for a while. Amanda raised her eyebrows at me and laughed. Amanda saw her cheerleader friends and looked over at me. I nodded to her, giving her the okay and she ran over to them. I watched them set up beer pong and smiled to myself. I drank my drink quietly and just watched everyone dance.

It took a little while, but the drinks started to kick in and I felt a lot happier about being there. I felt confident enough to get up and dance. I was by myself but everyone else was dancing around me, so I didn't feel quite as alone. I felt myself relax. The alcohol was doing working. Sarah and Amanda had each come to check on me a few times and giggled when they saw me dancing. They knew what I was like. They knew I would happily dance and drink until I was exhausted. As I danced, I felt someone get closer. I looked over and saw Mitchell.

"I've been looking for you." He whispered in my ear. I ignored him. He grabbed my waist and tried to dance with me. I moved away but he grabbed me again. I was getting annoyed, so I walked off to find the bathroom. I hadn't realized he had followed me until he pushed me against a wall and kissed me. I tried to push him away. I told him to stop but he moved a hand up my thigh, trying to reach up my skirt. His mouth was still firmly on mine. I tried to get away, but he was holding me really tight. I tried to scream, and he covered my mouth. I was too unbalanced, and I couldn't get him off me. Then he was off me. Someone had walked into the hallway. Eddie 'the freak' Munson. I sunk to the floor and sobbed. He looked confused.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly, kneeling down to look at my face. I didn't say anything. "Where are your friends?" I just shook my head. I didn't know. He hadn't seen what had happened. Not properly but he knew that a guy had run off. I didn't tell him. He helped me stand up and took me back to the party to find Sarah or Amanda. Instead, he found Chrissy. She immediately starting fussing over me and lead me away from Eddie to find my friends. Chrissy didn't know what was wrong, but she knew I needed to go home. She found Amanda first and left me with her while she went to find Sarah. We headed home quickly. We stayed the night at Sarah's and told them both what happened as we sat on the floor in our pajamas. They hugged me and told me they would be there for me. I nodded and we all went to bed not knowing what else to say to each other. 

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