14. Eddie

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Eddie's POV

I ran, I could hear footsteps behind me, so I assumed Liz was running too. I ducked behind a tree only to find Jessica was the only one following me. Panic rose in my chest as I realized Liz was back there. With the monster. I wanted to stay here and hide or keep running but there was no way I was leaving Liz behind. I turned and ran back the way we came. I could see Liz in the distance, fighting that thing. I couldn't tell who was winning. I got closer and yelled for her, but she didn't hear. I saw the monster fall and she stood over it. I stopped and watched as she brought her axe down on its neck, completely decapitating it. That was fucking metal. Then she started to sway unsteadily. I rushed forward and grabbed her as she fell. She was covered in blood and had large, deep wounds on her stomach and arm. She looked up at me. Her sparkling blue eyes looking into my face.

"A-Amanda?" she asked slowly. I didn't answer. It was clear Amanda hadn't made it. Jessica was sobbing over her body. Liz raised her uninjured arm to touch my face. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. She coughed and blood spilled out her mouth.

"I love you, Ed." She whispered.

"Shit, Liz. No, no, no. Don't you dare die on me. You promised me." I shook her gently. "I love you Liz, please." Her eyes clouded over, and her body went limp. I could hear sirens now. Coming closer. I held Liz's lifeless body to my chest and got up, running to the sound of sirens.

As the ambulances arrived, I rushed to them immediately. They grabbed Liz from me and got her in an ambulance. Jessica and I climbed in after her and they left quickly. I held Liz's good hand as the paramedic performed CPR. I cried and Jessica held onto me. We never knew each other before but right now we had no one else.

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