9. camp day 3

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I woke up to a quiet cabin. Jessica was asleep but Amanda and Sarah weren't there. I figured they were in the showers already. I woke Jessica and we both went to check and have showers. We found Amanda there, but she hadn't seen Sarah. She did tell us that Sarah had been trying to hook up with one of the members of the basketball team though and Amanda theorized that maybe Sarah had gotten lucky. We all laughed and joked about Sarah being with a boy. We still didn't see her by breakfast and figured she had snuck off. We started our days activity. Painting the pottery, we had made. Still no Sarah. The teacher asked Amanda who told her she was asleep as she had a bit of a headache but would join us later. I wanted to tell the teacher we didn't know but Amanda didn't want to throw our friend under the bus. I painted my mug with flowers for my mom. I wanted to give it to her as a birthday present as her birthday was coming up. Amanda was painting hearts on hers. I felt someone sit beside me but didn't look up until I felt his hand on my thigh. I sighed. I was so sick of Mitchell at this point that I just stood up and sat beside Eddie. Eddie looked a bit shocked, but he smiled at me. He looked at my floral mug and snickered.

"Nice mug, Roberts." I looked at his red mug covered in black skulls and cross bones.

"You too Munson." I teased. He stuck his tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes. I sat there quietly working for a while. Eddie was humming something quietly as he worked. I finished and took my work to the front. I was going to work on my other one after lunch, but I still had about an hour until then. The teacher told me I could do something quiet in my cabin until lunch. I wandered to the cabins and kept an eye out for Sarah. I was worried but Amanda had told me she was with a boy. I tried to convince myself that Amanda was right. I was considering looking for her but realized I had no idea where she might be. I sighed and sat on my bed. I flopped back and looked at the panels above me. I finally rolled over and picked up my Walkman. I played the tape and grabbed my book. 'Time after Time' by Cyndi Lauper was playing and I got lost in the book.

I was snapped back to reality by Amanda knocking on the door to get me for lunch. We walked over together. I still had my Walkman on. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I wasn't upset, I just felt like being in my own world for a bit. Jessica and Amanda had a conversation beside me. I let their voices wash over me. I wasn't listening to them, but it was comforting to have them there. We walked back to the painting area and I sat with them again. I asked if I could sit between them so Mitchell wouldn't bother me again. They agreed and I felt much better. We painted our trinket dishes. Amanda had made hers in the shape of a heart. She had a lot of heart patterned and shaped things in her bedroom, I think she was trying to keep it on theme. Her mug was going to be a pencil holder she told me, so it had hearts to match her room too. I laughed at that and started painting my boring round dish. Jessica had made hers more into a candle holder. She liked scented candles apparently. I decided I was going to put the few rings I owned in my dish. I had one from my mom that was a birthday present from when I turned 16 and another that I got with Sarah and Amanda that matched theirs. We got them in middle school and they no longer fit us but we kept them. I had two other cheap, plain rings that had been part of presents I'd received. I decided to paint it light blue. When the blue dried, I painted on little strawberries. I took a while trying to make it perfect but when it was finished I was very happy. The teacher explained glazing and the kiln to us as we finished up. We went off to dinner and were told we were going to tell scary stories around the campfire tonight. I grinned. I loved scary stories. I did freak myself out and got scared for days after but I still enjoyed them. I looked over at Eddie, I knew he would love this. He was already looking at me with a glimmer in his eye. I grinned at him. This was going to be fun.

We were all settled around the campfire. Most of us had brought out our blankets and pillows. Some people had snacks and I had my Walkman. Jessica, Amanda, and I had piled our pillows and wrapped ourselves in blankets. We decided if Sarah wasn't back by morning, we would tell a teacher. Amanda told me that the other groups base for capture the flag was another storage shed but this one had mattresses, blankets, and pillows and all the spare things for the cabins. It was the perfect place to go to hide out and have sex. I suggested we check after the campfire, but they were against the idea. They didn't want to walk in on anything. I had noticed one of the boys was missing too. The same boy Sarah had a crush on so that eased my mind. I listened to my music while we waited for the teachers to get organized and the stories to start. They were going around with a list asking people if they had scary stories to tell and writing down names. I wasn't a good storyteller, so I didn't put my name down. As they walked around, I closed my eyes to listen to my music. I was suddenly and rudely interrupted when someone pulled my headphones off. I turned angrily glaring at whoever had interrupted Bonnie Tyler. I was met with brown eyes and a mischievous grin. I glared at Eddie as he put my headphones on himself. He chuckled.

"Total eclipse of the heart. I can't say I'm surprised at your music taste." He took the headphones off and handed them back to me. I snatched them from his hands and stuck my tongue out at him as I put them back on. Amanda and Jessica raised their eyebrows. Eddie looked at them like he had just realized they were there.

"Hey ladies, can I sit here? I don't have any friends at camp." He gave them his biggest grin. Amanda and Jessica looked at each other, then Amanda smiled slyly.

"You can sit here... IF you give us a free blunt later tonight." She grinned at Eddie. He sighed.

"Fine, how did you know I had weed with me?" Amanda just raised her eyebrow at him. That was enough of an answer for him. He sat himself next to me. Amanda was next to me, and Jessica was on her other side. I moved the pillow slightly so Eddie could lean on it.

"You smoke too?" he asked me, referring to his deal with Amanda. I shook my head. I had never felt a great need. However, I did drink. It used to be just at parties but now I drank a bit more often when I got triggered.

"I drink a bit." I told him. "But I've never really wanted to do drugs." Eddie nodded. He settled back onto the pillow, and I took my headphones off as the stories started. Some were quite scary, others really weren't. The teacher called Eddie's name and he stood up. He grinned at me and turned to face everyone. I watched as he got into character. His story was about a serial killer at a school camp who trapped the students and picked them off one by one and ate them. He was very theatrical, and I found myself worrying about Sarah and becoming very aware of how dark the woods were behind me. He finished his story, and the silence was deafening for a moment. The teacher broke the silence by calling out the name of the next person. Eddie sat down beside me, grinning. I couldn't help but smile. He put his arm behind my back as he lay down. I was very aware of how close he was to me. I barely heard any of the other stories because I was thinking about his arm, right behind my back. If I leant slightly, I would touch him. But I didn't. I was worried he would move his arm back if I did that. So, I stayed perfectly still.

Elizabeth's playlist:

Sweet dreams (are made of this) -Eurythmics 

Total eclipse of the heart -Bonnie Tyler

Lay all your love on me -ABBA

Time after time -Cyndi Lauper

Babooshka -Kate Bush

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