11. camp day 4 part 2

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Amanda sits next to me in the dining hall. I stare at my food, unable to eat. I heard teachers whispering about calling the police. I wish they had done it sooner. A teacher walks in, she looks a little upset. I hear her tell another teacher that the phones aren't working. I start to panic. The teachers announce that we will be going to our cabins in 10 minutes, and we must stay there the rest of the night while they try to contact police. A ripple of whispers makes its way over the dining hall. A few cheerleaders start to cry. Everyone is starting to realize now that this is serious. We all head back to our cabins. We sit together on Sarah's bed and hug each other. Amanda is crying now. Her mask has fallen, and we can finally see how worried she is for her friend. It's still early so we get some snacks and sit on the floor. We talk a bit and braid each other's hair. We needed the comfort of something a bit normal. Amanda stands up. She needs to go to the bathroom but she's too scared to leave the cabin alone. Jessica decides to take her, and I am left alone in the cabin. I find myself feeling scared. The scary stories from the night before start creeping back in. I hear a scream from outside. I run to the door. Chrissy stands outside, staring at something. I try to see what she is looking at it but it's out of view. Several doors open. Jason runs out of his cabin and goes to Chrissy. He grabs her and looks at where she is staring. His eyes widen with fear. I have never seen Jason scared before. The lights in the cabins start to flicker. Jason grabs Chrissy and pulls her to his cabin. Several people have left their cabins to see what scared Jason. I don't dare leave the doorway. I see Eddie several doors down, also standing in his cabin's doorway with his cabin mates. Then something runs past the side of my cabin, right from where Chrissy had been staring. Someone screams. This thing is big. It almost looks like a person but it's slimy and tall. It has no face. It grabs a girl and drags her into the woods. Everyone is screaming now. I'm frozen. The thing comes back. It doesn't make sense. It just got someone. I see Eddie running through the crowd of teens, pushing each other. The monster attacks someone else. Not bothering to drag them away. Its face opens up, almost looking like a flower but instead of petals it has rows of teeth. It sinks it's face into the person on the ground as they scream. Eddie reaches me and pulls me inside. He pushes me into the small closet and sits beside me.

Eddie and I sit there for what seems like ages. The screaming outside continues for a little while then dies down. It seems everyone has run inside and hidden. I worry about Jessica and Amanda, but I know they are smart and would have found somewhere to hide. A terrible thought pops into my head.

"Eddie... Do you think that's what happened to Sarah?" I start to cry. Eddie pulls me to his chest. He smells like cologne. He strokes my hair softly. He doesn't need to say anything. I know he thinks that thing got Sarah. I sob as I think about Sarah's soft brown eyes crinkling into a smile as we sing songs in her bedroom. I remember her blonde ponytail swinging as she walked ahead me through the canteen. I remember meeting her as a little kid. She had no front teeth and the cutest smile. She used to make me bracelets out of wool. I still had a few at home. I had one tied to my bag. I looked over at it on the floor. It really started to sink in that Sarah was gone. I slowly got up. Eddie tried to pull me back, but I pulled myself away. I wasn't going to do anything stupid. I just wanted to look out the window.

The creature was gone, and a body lay on the ground, covered in blood. I turned back to Eddie and motioned for him to come over. He crept quietly over and peeked out the corner of the window. His eyes fell on the body, and he muttered a few swear words. A cabin door creaked open. We watched silently. A girl crept out, likely to find a teacher. She stumbled because she wasn't looking where she was going. Then she was gone. It took me a second to realize she had been grabbed by the creature and he had pulled her a few feet away. Eddie and I hid below the window as screams filled the air once again. I grabbed Eddie's hand and squeezed it. He squeezed back. I closed my eyes. Then I heard a loud crashing noise. I opened my eyes and looked out the window. The thing had crashed into a cabin. More screaming filled the air. The teachers had to know what was happening. They didn't come. Another crash, another cabin. I looked at Eddie.

"We have to run." I whispered. He nodded. We stood up, opened the door, and ran. Everyone else had the same idea and we pushed through the crowd to the dining hall. A boy beside me was taken out as Eddie dragged me along. I didn't have time to react. I tripped over a body and fell into a pool of blood. Eddie picked me up and we kept running. 

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