Chapter 16

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Another week that had passed successfully. Another week in which everyday it felt easier to breathe, and there was that feeling of being in a place where love abounded in every corner.

It was Friday again, and more and more I was surprised at how unnoticed the days passed by in the long run. Perhaps a month specifically felt eternal, yet I could hardly believe it was the twentieth day of December.

Marcia and the kids were officially on vacations, so we would have until the first days of January to get into the Christmas and New Year's spirit. Two years in a row have forced me to lose the excitement of this holiday, but 1996 proved to be different, where I had amazing people with whom I was guaranteed we would have an unforgettable Christmas, so it wasn't hard for me to get super excited about all the plans that awaited us.

This time, Marcia took her children to their father's and they would return on Tuesday the 24th to wake up on the 25th at their mother's house to open the presents. I assumed she would want to lay on the couch, cuddle up with me and watch some film we hadn't returned to the movie shop yet, but I was very wrong.

"To Jessica's house? Of course I want to go! Is it okay if I bring... someone?" She eyed me for a second, and with the hand that wasn't holding the phone, she squeezed my thigh. The older woman smiled at how I sucked in a puff of air through my nose. I guessed the person on the other end of the phone suggested something, by the way her cheeks took on that peculiar blush I loved so much, "well, I have a lot to tell you, but yes, my single days are over."

My eyes widened.

My great love was willing to introduce me to the people she loved, to show me those little parts of her life and make me a part of them. She was proud to be my girlfriend. Maybe I was worthy of it, and I had more power than I thought to touch people's hearts.

It was time to stop letting one act of justice I committed define my whole persona. That was what Peter would have wanted, and I won't give him the pleasure of even doubting whether I deserved this.

Dealing with people was something I was very used to. At first, I had no idea what was being asked of me, and was hesitant to even say "have a nice day", but of course fate was the better chess player, so it managed to get me to meet my best friend through work, who helped me understand the dynamics of the place. Eventually, my palms no longer sweated when I heard the little bell that signalled when a customer came in, and I learned to exude confidence just by the tone of my voice.

Nevertheless, it felt like I was in my first days of work again. My heart pounded through my chest and I hadn't said a word since we left home. A million scenarios were running through my mind at once, all in which I thought of possible ways to say hello in order to make a good impression on Marcia's friends. I knew they would receive me wonderfully, otherwise my girlfriend would not have asked me to accompany her to the Christmas get-together.

With her hand intertwined with mine, Marcia waited patiently for the front door to open once we arrived. I don't know what they expected to meet, but I was sure it would be anyone but someone like me.

A middle-aged woman with glasses and wavy red hair opened the door. I was the first one that caught her attention, and what was really two seconds well spent sizing me up, felt hellishly long.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Jessica," she greeted me with a warmth that, without me knowing how, managed to get rid of any concern.

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