Chapter 2- Best Man

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So this is a filler chapter and kinda all over the place, but I'm trying to stall a bit until the main problem arises! Comment, Vote, fan me! pleasee!! <33

Harry woke up from the sunlight shining through his window. He rolled over, now facing the inside of the bed. Surprising him, he wasn't alone. Savannah was sleeping peacefully next to him, breathing slowly and calmly.

He carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake her, and walked across the hall to the bathroom. He grabbed an Advil from the cabinet to sooth his pounding headache before jumping into the shower.

By the time he was out and dressed, Savannah was in the kitchen making tea for the both of them.

"Morning babe," Harry said as he hugged her from behind.

"Hey, do you have anything? My head is killing me…" she asked.

"Yeah, it's upstairs in the bathroom. Do you remember anything that happened last night?" he asked as he tried to remember, but failed.

"Besides Louis proposing to Eleanor, no," she laughed before going upstairs to get the pill.

Harry took over preparing the tea and sat down on the couch. Savannah soon came back and joined him, turning on the TV.

Harry's phone rang in his pocket, alerting him that he received a text.

From: Zayn

Hey man, is Savannah with you? I can't find her anywhere and she's not answering my calls.

To: Zayn

Yeah, she's here. Spent the night, don't worry.

"Zayn's worried," Harry told her, returning his phone to his pocket.

"Oh, what time can you drive me home?" she asked.

"Why can't you drive yourself?" Harry teased.

"Maybe because my car is already at my house," Savannah rolled her eyes and took another sip of tea.

"Right, you don't have to leave do you?" Harry asked.

"Um, eventually, yes. Plus I am going out to lunch with the girls," she said.

"And if you call in sick?" he smiled devilishly.

"I'd have to go home eventually Harry…" she laughed.

“Well what if you were already here?” Harry asked.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Savannah asked shocked.

“Yeah, I want you to move in with me. We spend so much time together and I’m sure it’s getting crowded over there at Zayn’s with Perrie and everything,” he smiled.

“Are you sure? I’d love to, but we’ve only been dating for six months,” she asked, not wanting him to regret it.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything. I can help you pack your stuff and move it here next week,” he said before hugging her.

“Thanks so much,” she smiled.

After a little while longer of sitting on the couch relaxing, Savannah got ready and Harry drove her over to Danielle’s.

Danielle was already outside waiting, sitting on the rocking chair on her porch. When she saw them pull up, she smiled and stood up.

“Hi Harry, hi Savannah,” she waved.

“Hello,” Harry chirped.

“So, Savannah, you ready to go?” she asked.

“Yeah,” she answered. She thanked Harry before he pulled out of the driveway and drove home.

On the way to Eleanor and Louis’ house, Savannah told Danielle everything about how Harry had asked her to move in with him. Danielle was very happy for her, but also a little upset that she was the only one who hadn’t moved in with her boyfriend besides Kayleigh, which was weird because Danielle and Liam had been together the longest.

When they got to their house, Perrie and Kayleigh were already there. They chatted for a while about random things and then ate some lunch.

After they had finished lunch, Louis had come back from shopping and was with Harry.

“Louis, good thing you’re back! Okay guys, there is a reason I asked you all to come over, now I know I only got engaged last night, but I wanted to tell you all now rather than later…” Eleanor started.

“Oh, speed it up a little!” Perrie yelled playfully, rushing Eleanor to finish her sentence.

“I have picked you three to be my bridesmaids!” Eleanor announced excitedly. The girls screamed and hugged her, thanking her a hundred times.

“So who is the maid of honor?” Danielle asked, curious.

“Well I already spoke to her about it, I decided to ask Lottie because she’s Louis’ sister and I really like her,” Eleanor said.

“That’s so sweet,” Savannah cooed.

“Yeah and while we’re talking about it, Harry, would you like to be my best man?” Louis asked nervously.

“Of course,” Harry smiled.

“Aw, Larry’s back,” Kayleigh teased.

“Shush it Kay-Kay,” Louis said sternly with a smile on his face.

“Kay-Kay?” she asked.

“Yes, I know you don’t like it, Savannah told me, so whenever you do something I don’t like, I’ll do something you don’t like,” he answered devilishly.

“Thanks Savannah,” Kayleigh said sarcastically.

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