Chapter 9- It's Time

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So sorry, don't hate me. I haven't updated in so long!! This isn't a long chapter, but I will be updating again later on in the day, so don't worry!!!

Harry's POV

How would we tell Zayn? He's going to kill me, literally. I got his nineteen year old sister pregnant, who I'm not even married to. I would love to marry her, don't get me wrong, but we're too young and we've only been dating for maybe seven months. Even though by the time we have this baby I'll be almost twenty, that's still so young to have a baby.

It's upsetting to me that I'm going to miss all of the pregnancy milestones, like the first time we hear his or her heart beat, or the first time he or she kicks. At least I'll miss her crazy mood swings, but I wish I could be there for her.

Maybe I can convince her to come on the road with us after her photo shoot... No. She's pregnant, she can't travel.

"Savannah?" Louis said after opening the door. My head instantly shot in their direction.

"Surprise! Just thought I'd stop by for a quick date," she smiled. Lie. I hated lying to the guys, but we had to.

"Wow! Hi Savannah, let me go get my wallet and we'll go!" I said unconvincingly.

"Okay..." Louis said slowly, obviously not buying it.

"Well... bye!" I said before running out and slamming the door behind me.

"Okay, well the appointment is in twenty minutes, so we should probably head over there now," she explained as we walked hand in hand down the hallway.

We got to the office and it wasn't until we were in the waiting that we noticed Louis had followed us.

"Uh, Louis?" I asked awkwardly.

"Why are you guys at the- wait, Savannah, are you pregnant?" he asked, almost speechless.

Savannah and I exchanged a quick glance and looked back at Louis.

"W-we don't know," she stuttered.

"Please don't tell anyone!" I cried.

"When did this happen?" he asked, still in shock.

"About a week ago," she mumbled.

"Savannah Malik," the nurse called.

Savannah and I stood up and followed the nurse into an examining room with Louis close behind. After she made sure we were settled in the room, she left, leaving us alone in a very awkward silence.

After what felt like forever, a doctor came in the room to ask us some questions.

"Okay, Savannah, please lay down and pull your shirt up to your rib cage," she asked politely.

Savannah did as she asked while the doctor washed her hands. She grabbed a bottle from the cabinet of what looked like jelly and smeared it all over Savannah's stomach.

"We're just going to do a quick sonogram to see if the baby is developing and how far along you are. You won't see much judging on the size of your stomach, it's a standard procedure," she explained as she turned on the machine.

I anxiously held Savannah's hand, praying that the baby was alright. Yes, I always wanted a kid and even though we were still a little young, I will love and care for this baby no matter what.

I turned and looked at Louis. His eyes were fixed on the monitor, shock still on his face. I gave him a pat on the shoulder before turning back around.

Savannah's POV

Tense. Tense was an understatement. This was awkward and scary. Louis followed us here and now he knows. I'm worried now, not because I don't trust him, but because if we weren't careful enough that Louis figured it out, then other people could too.

The doctor spoke, breaking me from my thoughts, "You're about two weeks along, so you're due in the very beginning of November. Congratulations." She then cleaned off my stomach and washed her hands again. "You're free to go, just make an appointment in around a month and a half."

She left, leaving us alone again.

"Do you think I should make an appointment here, or go to a doctor more local?" I asked Harry.

"More local, so if there is ever a problem, God forbid, we can get you there fast," he suggested. "I'm so happy; we're going to be parents!"

"Does Zayn know?" Louis asked.

"No, no one does. I'm going to tell him, but I just don't know how to do it..." I faded out.

"Well you better do it soon, once we leave the country you won't see him until July, and you'll be far along by then," he said.

"I know, but I also am debating if I should tell him with or without Harry around," I muttered.

"Without. No doubt about it."

"Why can't I be there?" Harry budded in.

"Do you want Zayn to beat the shit out of you?" I asked.

"Not really, no," Harry answered.

"So then I wouldn't be around if I were you," Louis smirked.

"We should finish this conversation on the way home... they probably need this room for someone else," Louis said.

"Okay, well we took separate cars, so I'll meet you back at the hotel," Harry laughed.

"Okay, sorry for following you guys by the way," Louis apologized.

"It's fine, just keep your mouth shut," Harry cracked a smile.

He took my hand and led me out of the office and to the car.

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