Chapter 16- Short and Filler, Sorry

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Zayn’s POV

I hung up the Skype call with Perrie and headed down to the pool area to meet Liam and Niall. Louis, Harry, and Savannah were MIA all day so we just went without them.

Seeing Kayleigh and Savannah here made me really miss Perrie, so I called her this morning to talk to her, but because of her work and the time difference, it wasn’t easy.

Tom and Lou were also down by the pool with Lux relaxing. Everyone was using their time off wisely, as we didn’t get much of it.

Liam, Niall, and I tanned for a while and took a quick dip in the pool before going out together for lunch.

Louis finally woke up and met up with us at the restaurant. He always got jetlag the worst and I felt bad. When he got there, he told us that Harry and Savannah wanted us to go with them to the doctor’s appointment today, since they were finding out the gender of the baby.

I was really excited, I am the God-Father and the Uncle to this baby and I love watching Lux so I can’t wait for this baby to be born.

I knew they were hoping for a girl, so I was hoping they got what they wanted, but I personally think it would be cool if it was a boy. We could all teach him to play football and sing, but it was their baby, not mine.

Savannah’s POV

The moment finally came. We were about to find out the gender of our child. Harry and I had asked the rest of the boys to tag along, so it was the six of us in the room, and the doctor.

Like all the previous ultrasounds, she set up the machine and began searching for whatever she needed to determine the sex.

“Well congrats, you’re having a girl!” she smiled.

Harry leaned down and gave me a hug and I pecked him on the lips. I saw the tears in his eyes as he smiled down at me.

I’m sure my eyes were lined with tears too.  Now all we had to do was pick a name, which I already know.

All Harry talked about was how he wants to name her Darcy. It wasn’t my first choice of name, but it was pretty, and much better than Kim and Kanye’s baby, North West.

After she handed us the pictures of the ultrasound, we thanked her and left.

Harry’s POV

The first thing we did when we got back to the hotel was Skype my mum and tell her the news. After her, we called Savannah’s Aunt Lily and then her mum, and after that we called the Eleanor, Kayleigh, Perrie, and Danielle.

I texted Lou and Tom and told them to head up to the room with Lux, since I would rather tell them in person.

I knew Lux would be very happy with the news.

Louis’ POV

After we got back from the doctors, I congratulated Harry and Savannah and headed back to my room. I wanted to call Eleanor and tell her the news, but that wasn’t my news to tell her.

Oh, Eleanor. I miss hearing her laugh every day, seeing her smile, our pointless conversations that could go on for hours. My soon-to-be wife.

I felt bad leaving her to do all the wedding planning, but she insisted on doing it herself. When she called yesterday, she sounded very happy when she told me she was dress shopping with her mum, my mom, and Lottie.

That was another thing I loved; how well she got along with my sisters. Family is so important to me, and I love that she gets along with everybody.

She was pretty far along with the planning, but there were a few things that we wanted to do together. We already picked a venue and a caterer together, and she had to wait until Savannah came back with Kayleigh to do the brides maids’ dresses.

I don’t think I can wait until July to see her, but I have to. It’s going to be great; all the girls are coming over here for a few days to see a show and hangout with us, something all of us really missed. Plus, my sisters are coming down with my mum in July too.

I opened up my laptop and just went on Twitter for a little, to see what was happening with my family and friends, and then sent out a quick thank you tweet to the fans.

I texted her, it was harder this time around with Savannah, Danielle, and Kayleigh around. I knew that Eleanor was meeting up with us in Montreal, but that seemed so far away.

I spent the rest of the day in my room, talking to Eleanor.

Niall’s POV

My heart raced a million times a minute as I prepared to ask Kayleigh. I really didn’t think she would say yes, considering how far away it was, and that she had school in the fall, but it was worth a shot.

“What’d you want to ask me?” she asked, walking into the room.

I took a deep breath and looked at her. “I want you to move in with me, it’d be so much easier to see you all the time, but I understand if you can’t because of school or it’s too far away,” I blurted out a bit too quickly.

“What?” she asked shocked.

“I want you to move-“

“I heard you, Niall,” she laughed.

“Oh,” I mumbled.

“Niall, I don’t know what to say,” she stuttered.

“You don’t have to say yes,” I smiled.

“I want to, but I have college in the fall, I mean I could try and transfer,” she suggested.

“If you love where you go, stay, we can always wait, babe. I don’t want to make you leave,” I hugged her.

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