Chapter 17- Girls Night

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Dont hate me please, but i feel like this story is ragging on so im going to do one last really long chapter, and then an epilogue. sorry, but i feel like even you guys are getting bored with thhis. please vote and comment, i really love reading all of them and i love seeing that u guys vote for this.

Niall’s POV

Kayleigh and I decided that she would move all of her summer things into my place and she would live with me during the summer. She was accepted into her dream school in New York and knowing what it feels like when your dreams come true, I would never take that away from her.

It was really nice having her here for a while, but the US leg of the tour is almost over, we just have the shows in California left.

So much has changed throughout the past few months, Savannah and Harry announced their pregnancy and engagement to the world, and they’re really far along with the wedding plans. They were really excited about their daughter.

All the furniture shopping for the nursery was done and all they had left to do was decide a name. Fans thought they were going to name her Darcy, but Harry grew out of it. Plus, after tons of fans fantasizing about Darcy being his and their daughter, he didn’t want it.

I was pumped for Louis and Eleanor’s wedding. It was coming up actually. It was going to be September 10th. That way, they had time for a honeymoon before we went back on tour.

Lately, all Louis has been talking about is signing with a football team back home, I am very happy for him.

Liam and Danielle called it off back in the beginning of the tour. It just wasn’t working out anymore. He hasn’t found a new girlfriend yet, but I like single Liam better anyway. He is a lot more fun, but you can tell he likes to have someone to call his. He has always been that guy who prefers being in a relationship, which I think is sweet. He’s really just waiting for the tour to end before he starts looking to date again.

Zayn and Perrie are still the same. Zayn’s looking forward to going to New York at the end of August for the Today Show, because Perrie is going to be there for a Little Mix event. I’m pretty excited too, since I’ll be able to see Kayleigh.

Actually, Zayn has been asking our opinions on jewelers back home, so I think he is planning to pop the question soon.

It’s all so surreal actually. We’re all still so young, yet Harry’s about to have a kid and get married, Louis’ getting married in a month, and Zayn is planning on proposing soon. I don’t think I’m ready for marriage yet, I mean I love Kayleigh with everything I have, but we’re both so young.

Savannah’s POV

Touring with the boys in the US has been great, but I left them to go back to where I grew up with my Aunt Lily while they headed for Vegas.

I spent a few nights with her and she gave me some advice, and told me tons of stories about me as a baby. I’m so excited to have her, I can’t wait much longer.

I’m now back home since I couldn’t take the traveling anymore. My stomach got way too big and my back and feet were always aching, so I decided to leave.

Eleanor has been stressing about her wedding since it’s coming up, so we decided to have a spa day. It’ll be good for me too with all the pressure on my feet and back to get a massage.

We met up at the spa, since she was at cake tasting this morning with her and Louis’ moms. We had so much to talk about since we haven’t seen each other since before I left, so it was really nice to catch up.

She was extremely excited about the baby, and kept trying to convince me to name her Eleanor.

After spending the whole day at the spa, we went back to her house to have a girl’s night. It was a debate on whether or not to invite Danielle. We decided against it. We were still planning to hang out with her, but ever since they broke up, she hasn’t really talked to either of us and it’s been months.

Over dinner, El told me all about her weekend in New York with her friends from school, and she absolutely adored it and couldn’t wait to go back.

“We should go over there for the Today Show!” she suggested.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that,” I laughed. “Are you sure you will be up for that?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, tilting her head to the side as chewed her dinner.

“Well your wedding is only a week after,” I explained. “Although I do think it would be good for you, you’ve been stressing about this for way too long.”

“I can’t help it,” she whined in defense, “I just want everything to go perfectly.”

“I know, but El, you’ve had everything ready for months now, everything will be fine,” I assured her.

She nodded and smiled. “Have you started planning yours yet?”

“Not much, we tried, but it was really hard trying over in America, so we are going to wait until he gets back,” I answered.

“Yeah, I did most of it alone, but I had Louis’ family with me. During the few breaks they had, he came back and we did a few things together, but he wanted me to get what I liked, so it was pointless for him to come, all he did was complain about how tired he was.”

“Boys will be boys,” I shrugged.

The night went really fast, and before we knew it, it was almost daylight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2013 ⏰

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