Chap. Three ;

486 29 75

TW: fire, suicide & trauma.

"Kai, I swear to god, if you don't go, I will take your tooth out myself." I said practicing pulling out a tooth. "But Gyuuu! That's not fair. I hate my dentist. He pulls out sharp things." Is he dumb?

"Yah! Of course they do! They're dentists!" He just rolls his eyes at me. That's when we notice a grey car pulling up. My face changes to delight while Hyuka's changes to sadness.

"Appa! Can we please go some other day?" He whines to his father who is getting out of the said car. "No, of course not Ning. You're dentist specifically wanted you to come today." He says before turning to face me. "How has he been Gyu? Was he listening to you?"

I shake my head jokingly. "Appa, you're son is a demon." I say giggling. I could see Hyuka getting angry. "H—How about you go! You might be late for you appointment." I say before lightly pushing them back to their car.

"Oh, of course Beom. See you!" His father says before driving off.

Phew. He's such a kid. Should I apply for a babysitting job?


Today I've got band practice and I heard a special guest will be joining us. I hope they're nice. I mean if they aren't I don't really care. For some reason, I hope it's an idol. Like maybe psy or Jessi or maybe even BTS!

If it's a random boy, I swear to god.

Well band practise starts at 4:30 and it's 4:26 right now, i better get going.

As I enter I greet everyone sitting by the table, but mostly my band friend, Haechan.

"Psst, Haechan." I whispered out to him while sitting beside the table he was sitting at. "Yeah?" He whispered back. "Is there really a special guest today?" I ask stressing the word 'special'.

He nods.

Haechan is very nerdy, especially in band practise, so he doesn't chat all that much, unlike me. I usually just listen to parts that I think are important. Our music/band teacher is Mr. Min. He's a bit sleepy at times, but he's really dedicated to his work, but my favourite teacher has to be Mr. Kim who teaches math.

"Good afternoon class!" Mr. Min exclaims. He seems more enthusiastic this time, so I also feel more enthusiastic to learn! "How are we?" He asks, in which all the students just nod.

"Hmm, I see everyone is in a bad mood. Why is that?" He says examining our faces. He looks at us expecting an answer but of course, no one answers but suddenly, his face lights up as if he knows why everyone's faces are dull.

"Ohhh! You're all waiting for the special guest that's coming today!" When everybody heard the word special , they were suddenly very intrigued. "Ah, I shouldn't keep you all waiting." He said before motioning his hand for the guest to come in.

He's a band kid?

I think eyeing the black haired boy entering the room.

Why is he everywhere?

I think to myself again before noticing that the same boy has also been staring at me.

What's special about this Yeonjun anyway?

I couldn't help but notice our eye contact, which I instantly broke. Slightly flustered about it, I quickly flip through my books as if I'm reading it.

Third person PoV;

Yeonjun! Why don't you introduce yourself" The teacher said to the black haired boy who was clearly taller than him. The boy smiles before introducing himself, "Hi, hello everyone! My name's Yeonjun, or Choi Yeonjun. Uhm well, I'm 19 and...I'm your special guest today I guess."

Beomgyu smiled to himself at the boy's awkward introduction, before putting his whole face into a book that was irrelevant to the subject.

"Questions?" Mr Min asked looking around for any raised hands. To his surprise, many hands were raised. Too many to count even. "Woah, you are pretty popular, Yeonjun?" He said putting a hand on the said male's shoulder.

"You all can get along with Yeonjun after this period." The shorter male said with a sudden strict look. Yeonjun just giggles before going to a seat Mr. Min pointed at. "Okay so the reason we have Yeonjun here today is because he's going to teach you ad-libs."

Beomgyu PoV;

Throughout the period, I felt as if someone was staring at me. Coincidentally, from the same place the boy was sitting from. The boy being Yeonjun. I'm probably just stupid. Or maybe, he was just staring outside, since my seat is near the window while his seat is all the way at the other side of the classroom.

It's currently the time to go home, but I like spending time alone in the library where no one else is. The smell of the newly painted wood just makes me feel some type of way. Almost as if I can never get bored of smelling it. I was reading a book about this family betraying each other. Thriller crime stories always interest me.

It's unusual for people to come in here. Especially now so, right now I'm alone, which I like. Sometimes I read on the carpeted floor, or on the chair the librarian usually sits in. Everything here is made of wood which is why it looks like something that's been built in '90s.

I start by picking up where I left off yesterday. She finds her brother with a knife...aha! Here it is. With a sigh relief that I finally found the page I start reading it. Since this place is very quiet, I heard students talking in the hallway. Chatting with their friends, talking on the phone with their mother... M-Mother...

I felt tears forming in my eyes as my mind drifts off into this thing called thoughts. T-The balcony...The fire...did she have to l-leave me? If uncle h-hadn't found me, w-what would've happened to me? Would I have been burned to.... d-death? W-why did she jump, leaving me t-there?


Some backstory, finally!

𝘖𝘶𝘳 𝘓𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵  ♡Where stories live. Discover now