Chap. Five ;

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This chapter takes place during the same time as when bg left the library chapter except with Beomgyu's PoV. Also, the first half of this chapter is just Beomgyu having a mental breakdown—

It was weird. Their interaction was weird. Well, that's what Beomgyu had been thinking ever since he had left the library. Thoughts filling his head as he passed classrooms that he didn't even remember seeing. Why was Beomgyu acting this way? He hasn't gone crazy, has he?

"How do I brainwash myself?" He asks himself as he rushes out the big gate that leads to the awfully familiar streets. "It's fine I'll just tell Hyuka. Him talking is enough brainwashing for me."

He says under his breath as he reaches into the pockets of his woollen jacket expecting to be holding an iPhone but, to his surprise, he ended pulling out his hand. With absolutely nothing in the palm of it.


He checks his pockets once again, now stopping in his tracks. "M-My phone." He says as he checks his pant's back pockets. "Where the hell is it." His eyes now going red. If you looked at him with no context, you would think he was about to cry while taking over the world.

"My IPhone!" He shouts as he walks back in his tracks checking ever single inch of the ground hoping to find a very obvious black screen. "For my goddamn sake where is it!?" He yells.

Okay, stay calm, Beomgyu. Retrace your steps. Did you place it somewhere?

Losing things is very normal for Beomgyu, but this wasn't a sock! This was a whole damn phone! An iPhone 13! If he doesn't bring it back home, what will his uncle and auntie say? Will they finally get tired of Beomgyu and send him away?

"THE LIBRARY DESK!" He screams horrifyingly. Tears were about fall from his precious eyes. "Okay Beomgyu, it's fine. No one could've looked through it. I mean if they did, they wouldn't know your password...right?"

He started talking to himself on the way to the school. There was no way he could've step foot inside his house without his phone.

He enters the library, sliding the door open in one swift moment, the chair in a different angle than the one he had left it in. Had someone sat on it?

He hoped a very familiar phone will be placed on the desk but, to his demise, it had unfortunately vanished.

"YAH!" He shouted to absolutely no one. He didn't care that this was a library, besides no one was there.

Collecting from what little hope he had, he started searching the ground. "M-Maybe it had fallen. There's no way it could have disappeared. I left it here!"

After about 9 minutes, he eventually gave up. Sitting on the carpeted floor cross legged as he ruffled his hair roughly. "Did someone take it? There's no way our school has thieves." He whispers under his breath as he blows away his bangs from his hazel eyes.

It had been about 36 minutes since Beomgyu sat on the floor, contemplating life. "I'm a broke student! There's no way I can afford that. Heck, even my auntie and uncle probably can't afford another phone." He says hugging his knees as he grits his teeth.

"I will decapitate the person that stole my phone." He whispers to himself forming a fist with his hands.

"Looking for this?"

The library door slid open like it always does but this time, there was a black haired boy, holding a very familiar item almost as if he's advertising it on the other side.

"Wha—" Beomgyu turns around to the door, still trying to take in what had happen this past hour. His eyes widen as he clearly interprets what the boy was holding.

"M—My Phone!"

The boy at the door frame smiled innocently as if he hadn't just stole a very valuable item. He inhaled, "You left it on the table." He says handing it back to the distressed boy. The said boy gladly accepts as he turns it on...noticing something.

"Wait a minute." He says abruptly catching the other's attention who just hummed in response. "This isn't the app I left it open on...Why have my texts been scrolled to my first texts?" He continues furrowing his brows.

Before the other could reply Beomgyu already knew the answer.

"Choi Yeonjun. Did you sneak through my phone?"

His voice now suddenly low and stern, almost as if he's a math teacher waiting for his students to calm down. Yeonjun didn't know what to say. He definitely hadn't had a good first impression on him, that's for sure.

"Listen, Beomgyu—"

Beomgyu looked up from his phone, his eyebrows furrowed as he glared at the older. Yeonjun felt small, tiny. He had never felt this way before.

"Look, Taehyun's my friend. I'll set you up with him." Beomgyu's expression changed from glaring at the other to looking at him with questionable eyes. "And how are you going to do that?" The said boy asks tilting his head and raising a brow.

"I don't know, but I'll think of a way some other day." This was news to Beomgyu. This random boy helping another random boy? Seems weird to say the least, but Beomgyu was not going to give up one a chance that would help him get it Taehyun so would you know it...

"Okay fine, but I'm only trusting you because you came to me first...and that he's your friend." The smaller says ruffling his own hair. "Okay, but what are you going to do for me?"

This question got Beomgyu taken aback. "Hm, what would you like me to do?" Yeonjun looked at him with a slight smirk forming on his lips. "I'll think of it."


That was weird. A random dude just made a deal with Beomgyu to set him up with Taehyun. The only problem is that he wants something back.

What y/n fanfic have I gotten myself into.



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