Chap. Four ;

404 28 59

I shake my head at the thoughts, wiping my tears in the process before I focus my attention to the book in my hands. If it wasn't the sound of the door opening, I would've cried then and there.

I stare at the boy entering.

Why do I see him so often.

Is he following me?

I ruffle my hair before focusing my attention to the book. I mumble the words as it's my habit, but I have a strong urge to keep looking at the boy. I know I'm weird and creepy but it's only us two in the library. It's awkward.

I awkwardly shuffle my seat, while looking at the carpeted floor.

Don't look it'll only make it more awkward.

I tell myself before focusing my attention to the book AGAIN.

Wait, is he coming in my direction. What the hell.

"You're Beomgyu right?" He asks as he puts his hand on the desk. I look up, meeting his eyes but, immediately look down again. I nod as a reply as he just scoffs.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you going to go home or something?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

He gasps dramatically as I get a notification from Hyuka. I check it before putting the phone on the table again.

"Do you want me to leave or something?" I ask closing the book and just looking at the desk. Why is he even here.

"Kinda but I also want to—" Before he could finish I grab my things and walk out of the room. I could see he looked dumbfounded but I really didn't want to talk with him. I mean he's rich as everybody says. So of course, he's going to bully me, that's what everyone does.

Third person PoV;

Yeonjun is left with his mouth agape.


He thinks before looking at the desk. He sees a phone left there unlocked. He immediately picks it up, obviously knowing that it's Beomgyu's.

"He left his phone here. He a dumbass." He says under his breath, but what caught his attention was the texts that were left open.

"Clingy...Bitch is the contact name. Is that the boy that's always with him?" He says contemplating wether he should read it or not.

Would I be too much of an asshole to read his texts?

He thinks as he puts his thumb on the screen to keep it unlocked. He contemplates more before coming to the conclusion that..he will read it.

That's what he gets for leaving abruptly.

He sits down on the empty chair the librarian sits on and reads the texts carefully.

Clingy bitch🙃

Gyu have u went home yet?
R u at the library
Go home soon
It's getting late

Oh, he comes here often.

He thinks once more if he should scroll up and read his past texts.

I'm probably a big big asshole right now.

Curiosity quickly got the best of him, and that's when his thumb started scrolling up he's eyes reading the texts so quick that even he doesn't know if he understands it.

Clingy bitch🙃

Clingy bitch


Clingy bitch🙃
Anyway please tell him
At least give him hints!

Now bye~

Does he have a crush? I wonder who it is.

Being very curious as to who Beomgyu likes, he scrolls all the way to one of the first texts. Need I add, it took him a whole 3 minutes.

How much does he need to text?

As the boy read the texts carefully he just hopes it's not him. 

I mean I'm smart, talented, kind, and very handsome, so I don't know why he wouldn't like me. I fit every standa-


He says a bit too loudly.

Out of everyone, him? Why? He's one of the most normal most boring and the most scariest person alive.

He thinks as he re-reads the name again and again. His mind trying to process the hell load of information he had just swallowed up.

Is he even Taehyun's type?

For some reason, Yeonjun actually wanted to help Beomgyu. Well let me rephrase that, he wanted to help is friend, as he thinks maybe just maybe Beomgyu would be perfect for him. But he can't help but wonder why out of all people, Taehyun, but it's not his business so he looked over it.

What will happen now? Now that Yeonjun found out about one of Beomgyu's biggest secrets which he hasn't even told his uncle and aunt. Will Yeonjun help Beomgyu, or will he make Beomgyu's life living hell?


I kinda hate myself rn since this is not over a thousand words but I have no idea where to go with this so I'm sorry for the short chapter ig<3

𝘖𝘶𝘳 𝘓𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘚𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵  ♡Where stories live. Discover now