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The one time that I went to class, it was absolute torture, and not just because everyone refused to sit next to me, but because of Scarhead and Weasel. I swear I'd never heard anyone louder than those two at that very moment. "You bloody player!", the ginger shouted loudly. My head wasn't the only one turning around to see Potter trying to shut his friend up. They slightly reminded me of myself and Blaise in earlier years, but I couldn't help but be curious as to what they were talking about. I turned my gaze back to my potion, this was too easy for me. Honestly, this was supposed to be Advanced Potions. Half the people here were too bad at the subject to be here and I was too good at it. This class was a joke.

Just as I finished my potion, I heard Weasel cackling as Potter started striking poses, flexing his muscles. In all honesty, damn. The next thing I know, blue goo was dripping all over Potter. They really sucked at Potions, it was supposed to be a yellow liquid.

I was actually done right after potions luckily. On Tuesdays, I finished an hour earlier than on other days. I jumped onto my bed and opened my book. I had already read every book about potions or astronomy or quidditch, so I'd decided upon a new subject to learn by heart; Dragons. They were actually very fascinating creatures. Did you know many great leaders in history were born in the Chinese year of the dragon?

I was plunged deep in my book when suddenly the door to my room was slammed open and loudly closed again. Potter. He glanced at me, but I blatantly ignored him. He ruined potions for me, but he wasn't about to ruin my book. That was at least until I noticed he was undressing. My eyes had just simply fluttered to see what he was doing, but now I couldn't stop staring. Merlin, Potter was ripped. I scanned every single muscle, getting sudden urges to feel them against me. Then, he noticed me looking. I diverted my eyes reluctantly, staring at the page of my book.

"What are you reading?", he asked, leaning against his bed. Did he not acknowledge the fact I was totally checking him out? Thank Merlin. I looked back at him. "It's, Uhm, it's called 'The History of the Vecer Dragon.", I answered quietly. Suddenly he approached me, I immediately panicked, my first thought was that he was going to punch me and scold me for looking at him while he was changing, so I started gripping my book tighter. He didn't do that though, he simply leaned over my shoulder to look at the book. He was so close...

"Charlie Weasley works with Dragons, if you're interested I could ask him for some books?", he proposed. I was interested, just not in that. It was very...thoughtful of him though, friendly. I sighed, "You stink. Go get a shower before you get your goo all over my bed sheets.", I answered. I was desperately trying to get him to leave so I could sprint out of my room as fast as I could. He chuckled, then he leaned in further and whispered into my ear: "What goo are we talking about here?". He didn't wait for an answer as he walked into our bathroom, closing the door behind him. I couldn't believe my ears. My mind couldn't help thinking about...well...

My face bright red, and my mind clearly elsewhere, I ran out of our room into the girl's lavatory, my only safe place, my Potter-free empire. I looked at myself in the mirror. My face really was red, as red as Weasel's hair. Bloody Hell, that boy sure knew how to make my blood boil, but perhaps just not in the way I initially thought. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths. I could barely comprehend what had just happened in our room. How on earth was I supposed to face him after what just happened?

I shook it off and turned around, the brick was screaming at me to pick it up. I did, flipping through the diary pages.

I'm glad you liked the advice! And I do indeed have that same problem, I've been in multiple scandals, and each one was always a lie. It's not great for your social life to have everyone around you turn on you just to figure out you were right all along and apologize. This cycle continues, on and on and on. I'm just so tired of it. I've been unable to sleep ever since the war. Before the war, I used to get nightmares, I don't anymore, but...I miss them. I'd never thought I'd miss them because they were terrible, but at least I slept. On a cheerier note, it actually feels amazing to be able to vent to someone. You're very understanding and you seem like a lovely person, I couldn't possibly imagine you doing anything wrong! I hope you feel as happy as I do with our exchange.

An Angel's smile//DrarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora