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For the first time in what seemed like ages, I felt pure joy. Happiness. It was sweet like a peppermint pasty and such a wonderful feeling. I wished for it to be eternal, perhaps it would be now that I had a thing with the most gorgeous human being in the whole wide world. Draco. Well, I wasn't sure if we really were a thing, but we could be. He was perfect. I wanted to stay with him until I died and after that too. He was everything to my nothing and so much more.

Now that the holidays were over and everyone was back, I could finally go see the Headmaster about my idea. I was standing in front of Hagrid's hut, it had become a tradition now to visit him every morning, McGonagall was always there too, so I knocked on the door to be met with two familiar faces staring at me. " 'Ello 'Arry! Starting Class again, are ya?", Hagrid said, letting me in. I nodded, taking a seat at the table. "I look forward to it.", I answered as he poured me a cup of tea. "That's great to hear, Potter. Perhaps now that Class starts again, you should stay in bed a little longer so you're well-rested.", McGonagall said. I raised a brow, "Are you saying you don't enjoy our morning cup of tea at Hagrid's?", I asked slyly. She took a sip of her drink to hide the small smirk that had appeared on her thin lips.

"Headmaster, I recently had an idea. I really miss the Quidditch competitions and the other students also find it a pity that we don't play anymore. So, with some help, I'd like to rebuild the pitch and raise a team of eighth-year students to play. Houses would partner up to go against us. The winner at the end of the year gets a 100 house points start next year. The eighth years get credits for higher education or for their future work.", I proposed to her. She seemed to contemplate it and eventually nodded. "I think that's a terrific idea, Potter. I believe it would help raise the students' spirits and encourage house alliances and friendships through competition.", the Headmaster smiled.

"Blimey 'Arry, ya never cease to amaze us.", Hagrid laughed, stuffing his unchewable treats in his mouth. One day he better realize he's the only one able to eat those things.

I finished my tea and said goodbye to my teachers, class was starting soon. On my way, I bumped into Hermione. "Hey Harry, how are you?", she asked me, joining me on the way to Charms. "I'm doing well, happier than ever.", I said in response, smiling at her. She raised a brow, "Because of Malfoy?", she mumbled, looking up at me. I stopped in my tracks before getting a grip on myself. "Uh yeah sorry. He's a great friend and I've just been glad that class starts again.", I nervously chuckled. She rolled her eyes, "Don't you mean boyfriends?", she said, a smirk on her face. My eyes widened and I was quick to deny it.

"We're not boyfriends.", I said as we descended the moving stairs. "Yes you are.", she chuckled. I shook my head. "We're not though.", I said once more. I suddenly felt a bit sad and curious as to why we weren't. I thought Draco liked me? "You're not?", Hermione questioned, a look of surprise staining her face, "But I talked to him and I thought you guys were a thing!", she revealed. Did they talk? What did Draco tell her? "We're nothing more than friends, Hermione. I mean we snog from time to time, but nothing more.", I sighed in front of the door leading to the Charms classroom. "I KNEW IT!", she yelled triumphantly, pointing at me. Everyone was looking at us. "We'll talk more after, you wouldn't want to ignore Professor Flitwick, would you now?", I said, in hope of distracting her. "Right, valid point Harry. I do have to pay attention if I want to score Outstanding on my NEWTs.", Hermione sighed, entering the room followed by me.


I and Hermione were sitting next to each other while Ron sat next to Neville. I think Draco was sitting beside Blaise at the back of the classroom.

We just learned a time charm which was basically a bloody watch in the air to indicate what time it was when you didn't have a clock or watch. It was fairly easy because even Seamus managed to do it. Professor Flitwick seemed surprised when every student in his class learned the spell in only a few minutes. A half-hour of class was left. He decided to award us all 10 points for our houses and sent us off to another class.

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