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Now that Draco had left to see his father, I felt like I had so much free time on my hands. I figured I would work on the Quidditch project that I had introduced to McGonagall. I decided that I would recruit people first, people to come onto my 8th year Quidditch team, then I would go inform the other teams. I looked around my common room. At first, I thought about asking Ginny, but then I remembered she was younger than us. "Hey Ron!", I yelled across the room. He had been snogging with Hermione. He flinched, turning his head around to stare at me. "Bloody Hell, what's your problem, mate? Don't scare me like that!", he huffed. Hermione giggled, then looked at me expectantly. "I have a proposition.", I said, "I want to start Quidditch again, but what about a team made up of only 8th years? Well, McGonagall has already agreed to the idea and I thought you might want to be my keeper?", I explained. Hermione raised a brow, correcting me about not saying 'Headmaster McGonagall', then looked at Ron for an answer. He looked quite pleased to hear he got to play again for the school, actually, that was an understatement. The ginger sprung up from the sofa, jumped onto the table, and yelled: "Weasley is King!". The other students seemed quite surprised but immediately recognized the iconic song. They started singing it out of what I assumed was nostalgia. I hummed along, clapping as Ron posed on the table, flexing his muscles. "Are you recruiting for a Quidditch team?", a female voice asked. I turned around, surprised at who it was. I nodded and she sounded relieved.

"Would it be alright if I join? I've always quite enjoyed Quidditch, but I've never been allowed to play on the Slytherin team.", Pansy confessed, a smile on her face. "Well, what's your position, if it's seeker or keeper then I'm sorry, but-", I started. She had interrupted me to tell me she was a beater, and, her words not mine, 'the best there was'. I smiled at her and she left to join her friends. She wasn't the only one to come forward, a girl named Lily Moon and her boyfriend Wayne Hopkins told me they were both big fans of Quidditch, they used to be in the Hufflepuff team, but after Cedric's death, they quit. They were friends of his and thought it better to retire in his memory. Lily played as a chaser and Wayne as a beater. Dean came forward too, informing me that he wanted his position back. That left one chaser and luckily there was a Ravenclaw that was up for the position, Martin Zao. Now that the 8th year Quidditch team was complete, I visited each of the house common rooms, being generously welcome in each one of them, and explained to the students my idea. They all seemed very excited and immediately started recruiting people for their teams.

As I walked back to the room of requirement, I felt pretty accomplished. A new Quidditch team, and a soon-to-be boyfriend. It all seemed to go so well. My mind kept flickering to Draco, I wondered if he had arrived home yet and if he was doing alright, if he missed me, I wondered how he would do with his father, and if it would be very painful. I supposed it would because it was the last time he'd see his father. I tried to force the thought of Draco being sad out of my mind and focus on the upcoming Quidditch competitions instead. I was very excited and absolutely looked forward to it, but there was one thing I hadn't thought about yet. The Quidditch Pitch was almost completely in ruins and I had to fix that. There were some students that volunteered to help me out and rebuild it and some Professors would too. But first, I had class.

I had defense against the dark arts pretty early in the morning and without Draco, I hadn't been able to sleep very long or very well. I must've looked really tired because Hermione seemed to pity me ever so slightly. "Stop it.", I whispered to her as she watched me instead of the teacher. "What?", she whispered back. I sighed, "Stop looking at me like I'm some poor sad child and listen to the professor instead.", I said to her. I tried my best to speak quietly to avoid disturbing the class. I had gotten off on the wrong foot with Professor Sweet and wanted to improve the relationship. It was my favorite subject after all, so this was important to me. "I'm not, Harry. You just look like you've had a bad night's sleep.", she muttered under her breath. I rolled my eyes, but after a couple of seconds, I nodded silently. Hermione turned to me now completely, staring right into my eyes with that determined look of hers. "Harry, answer me honestly, is it the nightmares again?", she asked. I shook my head, watching the work in front of us that we were expected to do. "Do you miss-", she had started saying but was interrupted by the professor who was now standing in front of our joined desk. "I don't mind you talking to your boyfriend, Ms. Granger, but please don't do it while I teach.", he reprimanded her. He shot me a frustrated gaze and then continued his lesson. He had called me her boyfriend? How awfully awkward. Was that really what people thought of us, even after seeing her and Ron snog every second they got? She was like an older sister to me! I turned to look behind us, at the back of the class, where Ron was sitting next to Seamus, and sure enough, I had assumed correctly, Ron was fuming.

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