Just Be Quiet

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Another amazing morning

Unfortunately, I'm still alive

I sit up to see my glorious morning wood

Well it would be glorious if it didn't exist

I get it

I'm "healthy"

But leave me alone

I want it to go away

I pick up my phone to see a load of messages from the new kid and one from Victoria, asking me to drive her to school


I arrive at school with Victoria in the passengers seat

We hadn't spoke the entire ride because I was a little bit irritated at the fact she gave my number to the new kid

"Sydney, Billie doesn't seem that bad" she defends herself

"I'm not even gonna argue, I can't be bothered right now" I say as I get out of the car and make my way to class

"Why do you hate her so much?" Victoria pressures

"She reignited the trauma of last year and then grabbed my cock in the hallway" I turn to look at her "Wouldn't you hate her?"

"Bro, she was probably just curious" Victoria says quietly as she looks at someone behind me

"Curious people don't go around touching other's areas" I yell

"Um, Sydney" Victoria tries to calm me down

"She's a fucking weirdo, I'm getting transferred to a new class coz I can't deal with fucked up perverts" I turn around and walk straight into Billie

Fuck my life

She let's out a light laugh

I push her out of the way and head to the principal's office

"Principal Rogers" I say as I enter the room

"Miss Wolton, I have told you multiple times to knock before you enter" he says calmly

"I want to transfer classes" I say, ignoring his last comment

"And why is that?" he asks tiredly

"That new Billie kid is a fucking creep and I don't want to be near her" I say as I slump down in a seat in front of his desk

"At least give her a chance, I'm sure she is a good person once you get to know her" he says as he stands up

"Now, I have a meeting in five minutes, talk to me later if you have any further problems" he says checking his watch and escorting me out of the office

Well that was fucking helpful



I'm sitting in the lab doing my work peacefully until the teacher decides to give us an assignment

If Dr Banner doesn't let me work by myself I will cry

"Sydney, you'll be partnering up with..." he looks down at his clipboard "Billie"


Just the thing I need

Why doesn't the ceiling just drop on my head now?

"Waddup dick chick" she sits on the stool next to me

The voice in my head is telling me to push this bitch over

Like could she be any closer?

I can practically feel her breathing on the side of my face

"Can you, like, back up an inch?" I say clearly getting agitated

"Oh, sorry dude" she slouches against the desk "So what's the assignment?"

"Create a presentation about the life cycle of a star" I say as I open my laptop to begin working

"Cool, can you do all of the work?" she props her face on her hand staring at me

"I was going to do it regardless of what you wanted" I say blankly as I continue working

"Nice" she says as she pulls out a packet of Takis from her bag

"You're not supposed to eat in the lab" I say without looking away from my laptop

"I'm not you are" she laughs and shoves a Taki in my mouth

Imma smack a bitch

I spit out the food

"I don't want your crusty ass Takis in my mouth" I growl

"You don't like Takis?" she says letting out a fake gasp

"No, I like Takis, I just don't like you" I say bluntly

"Ouch" she says in a patronising tone


I want to die

I have been in class for less than twenty minutes and she's driving me insane

The constant chewing in my ear and yapping bullshit makes me want to kill myself

"Well?" she says, breaking my train of thought

"Hm?" I hum confused because I wasn't listening to a word she was babbling on about

"Do you like girls?" she asks, licking the Taki dust from her fingers

"No, not that it concerns you" I say numbly in an attempt to make her shut the fuck up

"But you have a cock" she chuckles

"Well pointed out" I just want her to be quiet

"So you like vagina, right?" she carries on

I ignore her and raise my hand to catch Dr Banner's attention "Sir, can I go to the bathroom?"

He nods and I leave the room swiftly

I didn't really meed the bathroom

I just needed to escape Billie's excessive annoyance

I reach the bathroom and Billie arrives seconds later

Kill me now

I turn to her with an unreadable expression

"You good?" she says as she steps towards me

I step back and attempt to head out

She grabs my arm and pulls me back in

"Come to my party on Friday" she smiles

I look at her confused

"Maybe you might hate me less after?" she says, staring a hole in my face

"What did I say happens if you touch me again?" I say emotionless

She let's go and steps back

"Just come, I promise you won't be disappointed" she says quietly before leaving the bathroom

What does she want with me?

Just leave me alone

After calming myself down, I return to class to find its the end of the lesson

I pack up my stuff without saying a word and head straight to my next class

Thankfully, it PE

One of the only lesson I genuinely enjoy

Because I have an excuse to release my pent up aggression

I walk into the changing room to be grated by the one person I dreaded to be there

"Dick chick is in this class as well" Billie says smugly

Lord give me strength

What do you think is gonna happen in PE???

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