Does She Like Me?

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I have been sitting in nothing but a towel for the past half an hour

It's amazing how nobody has even attempted to help me or even come in here

Victoria isn't going to be back until 3 o'clock so I either have to wait for her to come back, find someone nice enough to get my spare clothes or make a run for it

The only option available right now is run

But I can't trust that no one is gonna make a move and steal my towel

It has happened before at the gym and well, they never did that again

You know what, fuck it

I poke my head out of the door to make sure there's no one nearby and sprint to my locker, holding onto the towel with my dear life

I run down the hall and knock into someone out of no where

"Fuck, are you OK?" a voice says as they help me up

I look up

Why the fuck now?

The universe is a fucking cunt

"Why are you naked?" Billie asks as she brushes herself off

"Someone stole my clothes, remember" I say with more attitude than anticipated

"Well, I have some spare clothes, I was just about to come to the locker rooms to see if you still needed" she says as her eyes glide down my body

"I have spare in my locker" I say and walk off without saying goodbye

Why is she everywhere?!


The end of the day

It seems like since Billie has joined school, my life has just been plummeting

I would say I feel like I've hit rock bottom but I know I'll end up falling further


I walk towards my sexy ass car to find another downer on my day

Why is SHE here?

"What do you want?" I say with as much attitude I could possibly conjure

"I was wondering if you wanted to work on the project tonight" she looks down nervously

"What part of 'don't come near me' do you not understand?" I snarl

"I-I'm sorry, I-I was just-" she begins but I cut her off

"Just what?!" I growl

She bows her head and begins to walk off

I grab her arms before she could get any further and pull her back

"I'm sorry, don't make me eat toilet!" she pleads

"Who said I was gonna make you eat toilet?" I ask confused

"Y-you did" she says, avoiding eye contact

Oh, yeah

I remember that hehe

Guess she did learn her lesson

"Be at mine by 7" I say sternly and let go of her arm

She nods her head eagerly and walks away

Now I have to deal with her again



6:37 PM

I finish doing my chores when I hear a knock at the door

Ugh, she's here

I open the door and invite her in without saying anything

"I, uh, brought snack" she smiles holding up a grocery bag in her left hand

I give her a blank expression and head up to my room with her following close behind

"Nice room" she says as she enters

"Close the door" I say, ignoring her compliment

She does as told and places the snacks on my bed

I pull out the chair next to the one I'm sitting on and show her the presentation

"It looks good" she says, still avoiding eye contact

I love the power I have over her

She's terrified

I close the computer and face her

"Can I ask you a question?" I lean back in my chair, manspreading my legs

"Uh, s-sure" she stutters

"What was the real reason you wanted to come over?" I say, noticing her fidget in her seat

"T-to work on the presentation" she lies

I sit forward and lean on my elbows

As I do so, I notice her breathing hitch

Does she... like me?

I watch the different movement she makes

Like how she continuously shifts in the chair

"You're lying" I say bluntly as I sit back in my seat

"N-no I'm not!" she raises her voice

I stand up and lean on the arms of the chair that Billie's sitting on

Our faces are so close together

"Don't lie to me" I say, barely grazing her lips

Her face turns a dark crimson as she turns away

I sit back in my seat and watch as she releases a giant sigh of relief

This is fun

I'm gonna play with her a little bit more

"Why are you blushing?" I ask, clearly knowing the answer

"What do you mean? I-I'm not blushing" she blushes harder

God this is so easy

"I have another question for you" I say, leaning forward again

She looks at my in the eye for a split second before turning away again

"What?" she says with attitude, almost as if she's trying to hide the fact that she's scared

"Do you like me?"

Heeheehee this is sooooooo fun!
Can't wait to know how this turns out :D

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