What Do You Want From Me?

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"W-what?!" Billie screams, standing up abruptly

I grab her arm and slam her back into the seat, leaning over her

"It's just a question" I laugh "Damn"

She looks away, her face still red

"If the answer was no, you could have just said" I say as I pull her face to look at me "But your reaction says otherwise"

She's so easy to read

It's like she's an open book with extra large font

She thought she was subtle

"I-I don't know what your talking about" she stutters, her breathing unsteady

"You're stumbling over every other word, I can practically hear your heart beat and you're constantly fidgeting" I say blankly

"It's either you like me or..." I sit back in my seat, chuckling "You're scared"

"N-no, I-I'm just tired" she lies

"Then this won't bother you" I smirk and lean forward

She looks at me confused and I kiss her gently on the lips

She instantly melts at my touch

I pull away leaving her absolutely dumbfounded

"Why did you lie?" I say, wiping my mouth with my sleeve

She stays silent and plays with her rings

"I asked a question" I say, getting impatient in the silence

"I-I'm gonna go" she says as she stands up

She walks out and I hear her car drive away

Finally, some peace

I go over to my bed and see that she had left the bag of snacks on my bed

Well, my mum tells me not to waste food

I open the bag to see a load of Takis and some chocolate


I lay on my bed and start munching on some Takis

"These taste good without Billie's fingers on them" I laugh to myself (ref to Just Be Quiet)


It's finally the weekend

God, since the incident last year, school has been the worst place I could be

I used to enjoy learning and socialising and being away from my house

But now

It makes me suicidal

But I'm glad

The school is closed on Monday so that means I have a long weekend

And I'm spending that whole weekend in my bed


I have been so mentally and physically exhausted, the only thing I need right now is sleep

And food

I get hungry a lot

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