Fuck You

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I fucking knew it

Why did I let that bitch convince me to come here?

Is this her idea of a joke?!

I fucking can't with these people!

"Hey, Syd, long time no see" Scarlett says as she struts towards me

I look over at Billie

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I shout in her face

"What?" she steps back, confused

"Fuck you!" I scream as I storm out of the door

"Sydney wait!" Billie yells as she runs out of the door after me

I turn to her hesitantly

"What?!" I yell with a migraine brewing in my head

"What's wrong?" she asks me, looking back at Scarlett

"Nothing" I say as I turn back around

She grabs my arm and pulls me back

"Come on, Syd, it was last year" Scarlett says as she walks over to me

I step back but she corners me against Billie's car

"Forget about it" she says in a low whisper, our faces almost touching

I nod my head forward and headbutt her

She falls to the floor, holding her bloody nose

"If you ever come near me I swear to god I will tear your tits off and shove them down your throat" I growl at her as she scurries off

"Damn" Billie murmurs under her breath

"What the fuck are you looking at?!" I yell at her

She says nothing and just looks away

If you haven't figured it out yet...

Flashback to last year

The sleepover

This is awesome

It has only been an hour and I'm having so much fun already

I didn't think these guys would be like that

I always thought they were bitches that made it they're mission to make everyone feel bad

But they're actually cool

Who would've thought?

We have just finished eating and I'm starting to get a little tired

I put down me paper plate and lay down on the mattress on the floor

The others are gonna watch a horror film so I'll most likely be awake within ten minutes

I close my eyes as the world becomes heavier and I drift off to sleep

It's quiet

Sleep is quiet

I usually never have dreams so this is normal

Wait a second

I feel myself being pulled back into consciousness

A tight tug of the waistband of my pants, followed by a cool breeze pushes me fully awake 

The sound of gasps and laughing fill my mind 

I sit up to find Scarlett laughing over me, taking pictures

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