Chapter 8

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"I remember you!" Changbin said pointing at Jeongin.

"Sungieee come sit back down." Minho whined at Jisung, I just lowered my head. The floor was looking really interesting at the moment.

"Are you ok? Do you want to go?" Felix whispered in my ear. I looked at him and shook my head with a small smile, signalling no and that I was fine.

"Sit down, sit down, we can make room." The eldest, Chan, said. He stood up to let Felix sit beside Changbin and Jeongin beside Felix. He sat back down before saying, "there isn't anymore room on this side, if it's ok with you, you can sit beside Hyunjin." He looked at hyunjin.

"Hyunjin! Move over." He said. But the blond stayed put. Minho smacked his arm which made Hyunjin look at Minho and taking out his earphone.

"Move over." Minho told him. He looked over at me, we locked eyes for a second before he gave a soft smile and moved over. 

I sat down beside Hyunjin, who was beside Minho, who was beside Jisung, who was beside Changbin, who was beside Felix, who was beside Jeongin, who was beside Chan.

We all made some small talk, Chan and Jeongin, Changbin and Felix, Jisung and Minho and then finally me and Hyunjin. We talked about all sorts of thing, Day6, dance, modeling, school, apartments, parents jobs. Anything that came to mind.

Before I could ask anything else Felix asked a question to the whole group, one I really wished he didn't ask.

"Hey so Minnie has been getting these letters, do any of you know who's been writing them?"

"Felix it doesn't matter that much" I told him before anyone could answer.

"Says the one that slept with one of the gifts." He responded.

"H-how do you know that?" I asked.

"A magician never gives his secret." He answered.

"Felix, you aren't a magician." Jeongin told him.

"And you don't like Chan" 


"My gay senses were tingling" they kept talking about how it was only their first meet and how Felix's senses were wrong. Just then Hyunjin whispered in my ear.

"Do you want to trade numbers?"


He gave me his phone and I gave him mine. I wrote Seungminnie as the contact name and gave his phone back. He gave me mine back and I swear I blushed a pit. He had put 'Hyunjin❤️<3'

Then the bell rang. We all got up the rest of us traded phone numbers and then left for class. Felix and Jeongin walking with me as usual.

"So Seungmin, mind telling us what Hwang Hyunjin did to make you blush" Felix pestered.

"Actually I do mind." I told him, not being able to get his smile out of my head.

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