Chapter 13

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Days after were all the same. Every lunch Jisung would pull me aside and say stuff about me still loving him so I should help him. One day he tried to kiss me but thankfully Hyunjin had asked if we were done yet. I was still getting presents everyday in my locker, and I was still living with Hyunjin. Speaking of him, he had ran off the moment we both entered the dorm. I was going to go to his room to ask what he wanted to eat for dinner when my phone ran. I rolled my eyes expecting Jisung. Apparently Hyunjin also heard it because he came out of his room ready  to say anything to get me out of the situation.

(Seungmin, Seungmin's mother)

"Hello Seungmin"

"Hey, do you need something?"

"I wanted to see how you were doing in your dorm, and I want to meet your roommate."

"That can be arranged"

"I'd like if we could FaceTime right now"

"O-oh, right now?"

"If that works"

"Yeah that's fine, i'll hang up and then FaceTime you ok?"

"That'd be great Seung"

Hyunjin looked at me eagerly ready to say something.

"It was my mom, she wants to face time to see the dorm and meet you."

"Already meeting parents are we." He teasingly said.

"Oh shut up! Anyways I have some ground rules before I call back. You cannot call me any of the names you usually do, and please don't talk about Jisung. She never really liked him to begin with." I ordered.

"And what are the names I usually call you?" He jokingly asked.

"Seungminnie, Minnie, Sweetie, none of those. Just say Seungmin" He just chuckled, which told me he was going to break that rule. Hyunjin went into my room for some reason, i'd have to ask him later right now I need to call my mom back.

(Hyunjin, Seungmin, Seungmin's mother)

"Sorry if that took a while, I was just going over some rules with my roommate."

"That's perfectly fine."

"Do you want a dorm tour?"

"I'd love that Seung"

"Ok well behind me is the living room, over here is the Kitchen, this door over here leads to the bathroom, actually the first time I got here my roommate was in the shower. Anyways off the living room is a hallway that connects to the bedroom, this first one is my roommate's then the far away room is mine."

"Very nice dorm you have here, who's you roommate?"

"His name Is Hwang Hyunjin"

"You're roommates with THE Hwang Hyunjin?!"

"Yeah, the model"

"I've never told anyone this but dang that boy is hot"

"And I get to see that 'hot' boy everyday" we both laughed.


An hour had gone by and it was around 11:30pm (23:30). I heard Hyunjin come out of one of the bedrooms. He stood in front of the door staring at me. I looked over at him. He smirked, oh god what is he going to do.

"Baby can you come back to bed? It's been and hour and a half and i'm tired." He said innocently. I looked at him astonished. 'I should have also said baby! Dumb me!' I decided to play along.

"I'm going to talk a little while longer, you can go to bed Jinnie, i'll meet you there." I told him Turing back to my phone to start talking again, and I guess Hyunjin wasn't done with our little skit.

"Can I have a goodnight kiss?" He asked. I had already dug myself a whole answering the first question. "Sure" I said fake smiling.

"One second mom" I told her putting the phone down. Let me tell you, i'm Not one to go back on my word, so i'd say Hyunjin was surprised when I actually came over to kiss him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. It didn't last long, but dang it felt good.

"There you go, you can go to bed now." I whispered.

"I think not, We'll continue this later sweetie." He said before walking to , you guessed it, my room.

"What was that about Seung?"

"I'd rather not talk about that"

"Are you now happy I put you in dorms"


"Can I tell my co-workers that my son is dating THE Hwang Hyunjin"

"Bye bye mom" She just laughed.

"Bye Seung, we should do this more often"

"Yeah" I hung up, and at the moment, totally forgot about Hyunjin waiting for me.

I walked over to my room and opened the door to see Hyunjin on his phone on my bed.

"Ah, Seungminnie" he smiled.

"I thought I told you not to say anything that might make her think we're dating!" I said. "And now she thinks we're dating!" I looked around for anything to kick. I felt Hyunjin's arms snake around my waist.

"Then let her think that, and if it goes public, then it does. Are you ready to continue?" He asked before connecting our lips.

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