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You wake up to find yourself in a hospital, the last thing you remember is cycling along a road, but then as you progress further and further from the bed you woke up in,you find that you're somehow been left alone in an apparently deserted city which should be teeming with life.
You don't recognize this place; not in the slightest, not even on the tip of your tongue, but somehow it feels familiar, almost as though you've had the experience before and you remember where it happened, and the thought gives you pause. But it's so strange here, nothing seems to move, no cars, people or animals nor anything that looks remotely like modern technology, and for once you feel slightly lost. You are completely without direction and at a complete loss as to what you should do next. It's all very strange, very unfamiliar...
"Excuse me."
The voice makes you jump out of your skin. You look over and come face to face with a tall man, with long dark hair, dressed in black and looking at you with curiosity written across his face. You gulp and quickly avert your gaze, staring down at your hands instead, which have begun to sweat. His eyes follow yours, and he stares down at them curiously too, although they're hidden under dark sunglasses. Your stomach lurches when his fingers close around one of your wrists, the rough callouses on his fingertips pressing painfully against you. You flinch at the contact, unable to stop him as he gently pulls your hand towards him until you're touching, only inches away from his chest. You try to pull back, but he holds fast. When you glance up again, the sight of his  eyes causes you to freeze, as though magnetised. Something inside you snaps and suddenly everything else falls away, leaving just this one thing, this moment, to exist between the two of you.
He studies your face, his expression unreadable, but his grip on your wrist never loosens. Your mouth opens to speak, but before you can utter a single word, there’s a loud rumbling sound and all light seems to abruptly go out, making you lose focus on his intense grey eyes. The sudden darkness has you feeling sick. Your breathing quickens, and you start hyperventilating; something inside you starts screaming at you to run, to get away from the danger you know will appear at any minute, and yet you can't quite move. You're frozen. You can hardly see anything beyond his outline and your heart rate picks up rapidly. A small part of you hopes that it’s all just a horrible nightmare and that it’ll end soon. However, the rest of you knows better than that. Something terrible has happened to you, and whatever is happening now, whether this man really exists or not, you'l die in here tonight if you don't get out. So with that realisation, the adrenaline coursing through your veins is replaced with fear.

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