Chapter 15

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Y/N woke up early still remembering what Alezha had told her. She wants to confront Alexander, to know if what Alezha told was true or if it was a lie.
She needs answers, she doesn’t know if this man truly loves her but he made her feel safe, protected even, and she just wants to know why.
She slowly gets dressed, pulling on clothes she hadn’t worn in quite awhile and walks slowly to the kitchen where Alexander is at.
"Dear...Are you busy?"
"Oh not at all Darling, What is it?"
"Remember when I got that call?"
"Yes? And?"
"The person who called me was named Alezha, She told me that you were manipulating me into thinking you were nice and kind."
"Is she telling the truth? Or are not saying something to me?"
"Alezha... She called you? I guess it's no longer a secret."
Alexander stands up grabbing a bat and hitting Y/N in the head.
  She falls to the ground unconscious.
  "Y/N... Please..." Alexander begged, kneeling beside your lifeless form, tears stinging his eyes. You're breathing normally which means you must be alright. You're okay.
  Y/N wakes up  groaning in pain as the memories return. Her mind goes blank until she hears her boyfriend calling to her.
  "...Y/N.. Hey look at me". He roughly grabbed her face
  As her vision focuses she notices Noah in the background with his hands and feet tied,  his mouth covered and blood dribbling out his nose as Alex presses something cold against his skin.
  "What are you doing!? Stop!".
  Her pleas go unheard as Alex continues to stab Noah.
  Y/N sits up in panic tears streaming down her cheeks, "No.. Stop!"
  She tried fighting against the ropes but she was too weak and there was nothing she could do to stop him.
  Alex pulled a small bottle out of his pocket and walked towards Noah.
  He poured the contents onto Noah's stomach, causing Noah to scream loudly in agony.
  When he finally stopped Alex wiped the blood off on Noah’s tattered shirt and smiled victoriously. "Now... Let's see how he reacts to a few injections." He walked to another room and returned with a syringe filled with a clear liquid. When he put the needle into the vein on Noah’s upper arm, Noah gasped in pain and fear.
  Y/N continued to shout but it was futile as Alex began injecting Noah with the liquid, causing him to scream even louder.
  Finally, after a long while, Alex took the syringe out and looked at Noah with a smug smile on his face.
  "So... How do you feel now, Noah?"
  Noah lay still panting heavily; sweat dripping off his forehead and face pale. He couldn't bring himself to answer, still trying to process the pain he was feeling in his stomach.
  "I am sorry... I am so sorry." Tears stream from his eyes as he pleads with God to take pity on him.
  "That's enough Noah." Alex states, grabbing a blanket to cover Y/N.
  "Don't forget darling," He smirks, giving Y/N one last glance and exiting the room, closing the door behind him.
  Y/N finally broke free of the restraints, "Noah, Are you alright?!."
  No answer. "Noah!, Are you alright?!" Again no answer.  She places her hand upon his shoulder. "...Talk to me. Come on. Tell me, Are you alright?!"
  ".........I....." He tries to speak, but he has lost all strength in his legs and they begin to buckle under him. "I....."
  Y/N quickly grabs him  as he begins falling to the ground. As Y/N manages to grab Noah, Alexander enters the room, looking rather annoyed.
  "Really dear, I expected more enthusiasm. Especially since we're going to kill you soon." He states whilst looking over his shoulder at Y/N, who was hugging Noah tightly.
  She glared up at him through tear filled eyes "I will never forgive you!"
  Alexander smirks at her anger. "But I'm willing to offer you a second chance, Y/N. Just think about this, You could be with me again. What do you have to lose? Just give in. You'll never see your beloved Noah after today anyway."
  Suddenly Noah starts struggling in Y/Ns grasp, screaming in terror, "No! Please don't!!"
  Suddenly everything starts fading black. All Y/N sees are images of what she is being told... She has been manipulated... By the people that should have loved her the most! She can only imagine how bad this was for Noah!
  After several minutes Noah stops fighting Y/N looks at Alexander, the man, she thought loved her.  "You did this?" she asks with disgust.
  "Of course I did dear! It makes my job easier. And besides... Now that we got everything sorted out it's time to move on to the next big step!" He replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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