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Something slams against the side of your skull and you immediately feel nauseous. Everything goes blurry, your knees buckle underneath you and you fall onto your hands and knees. When your vision clears and your surroundings return to normal, you find yourself lying in the middle of the forest, with no idea how you got there. For a moment, you just lie there and wonder what happened, why did everything suddenly change? Why are you in such an unfamiliar area?
Your questions remain unanswered as your thoughts drift back to the stranger who saved your life. You sit bolt upright and look around nervously, but there's nobody here except for yourself. You don' t understand. You stand up shakily, holding onto a nearby tree for support. This forest must have led you somewhere, but where exactly? It was like you'd been transported to a parallel universe, with a world that wasn't your own, yet somehow, someway, you knew it was real, and there' s no way it could be. There is simply no way.
After regaining some semblance of control, you continue forward, trying to decide if perhaps the stranger had done something to you while you were unconscious, and that he somehow caused you to wake up back on earth. Maybe he could explain things to you. You walk for several minutes with the same thought circling round and round your head like a persistent fly, refusing to leave you alone. It grows darker as time passes and you eventually realise that you probably won't find any answers here. After all, what possible explanation could there possibly be for something like this?
A loud crack of lightning breaks the silence around you, accompanied by a sharp pain in your temple and you instantly reach up to touch it gingerly. It feels weird, numb in fact. Noticing your arm is wrapped up in an old and faded bandage, you reach out tentatively and pull it open to examine your wound. Blood drips down your finger tips and stains the cotton fabric red, and you grimace, wondering just what the hell happened. You're not sure whether to believe him or not, but something tells you he's not lying, and you're starting to doubt your sanity, but that thought quickly disappears when you spot movement to the left of you. You freeze, your eyes widening in shock as you watch a figure emerge from the shadows. It's tall and thin, with long, spindly limbs and a pale, almost translucent skin. Its hair is jet black and hangs loosely over its shoulders, and its eyes are pitch black, glowing eerily in the darkness. Its nose and ears are pointed, and it holds itself with a sort of arrogance and superiority that you find deeply unsettling. It's dressed in a dark suit which matches the colour of its eyes perfectly, and there's something oddly familiar about it, although you can't put your finger on exactly what.

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