Chapter 14

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Never in a million years….” he repeats quietly.
His grip around you tightens slightly and your heart melts at how much love and adoration he holds for you. His hands stroke lightly through your tangled curls softly as he whispers softly to you; you feel yourself becoming more relaxed by the second and your body starts to fall asleep, although part of you knows that sleep will not be able to help you with everything that has happened today.
You lean further into his touch, feeling incredibly safe within his grasp, as though he is protecting you. It’s then, whilst listening to his heartbeat, that the thought suddenly comes to you that maybe everything isn’t hopeless after all. Maybe Alexander really does care for you and he loves you and it’s only just begun. The thought is something entirely new to you, having not allowed yourself to dwell on that particular thought for months now, but it certainly feels right in this moment; it feels as though it could only have been meant to be.
And just like that, the thoughts and emotions disappear, replaced by an overwhelming sense of comfort, happiness, and peace.

You can hardly remember where you  were or where Alexander had taken you previously, but you know in that moment  that you never want to leave him ever again. Your mind drifts off as he continues holding you tightly and, eventually, you are lulled to sleep, dreaming about being wrapped up safely in his arms.
Y/N's phone rang.
It was a person named Alezha, As Y/N answered the call she was startled by this person's frantic speaking.
"Y/N listen to me closely! Do not trust that asshole Alexander! He's nothing but trouble!" A female voice shouted over the line. Y/N knew who this woman was immediately from what she said, but was still unable to understand why she wanted to tell her such information.
"What do you mean?" She questioned.
"Alexander was your Ex-Lover, you two fought then he got physical and hit you in the head. That's why your memory kinda fuzzy right now."  The girl explained hurriedly. "Please don't get involved with him. There is no way in hell he is going to treat you properly. I have seen the damage he caused to many other girls before you so please don't give him any credit. If anything, make sure you stay away from him." She finished and hung up.
She turned her attention to Alexander, who had confusion writted all over his face. "What was that Darling?, Who called?"
Y/N answered "It's nothing you need to worry about."
"Alright Darling, if you say so."
Alezha's words kept repeating in her mind  and her head felt like it was swimming, causing her to feel nauseous. Everything she had heard that day started rushing back to her and she realised that Alexander may actually have done some serious damage to her head. But despite all this, Y/N couldn't bring herself to feel scared of him anymore.
No matter how badly things seemed to be spiralling out of control, Y/N couldn't help but trust Alexander. He cared enough to check on her after all these weeks and had even apologised to her and had told her that she didn't have to worry about him. No matter what happened she would trust him.

"Alexander spare Y/N she does not deserve this!"
Alexander grins and looks at Noah who's still tied up in a chair "Oh Noah... That's the point of manipulation! The things they do to a person, they make them vulnerable, they let you down, break their heart! They leave them crying their eyes out and then they come crawling back begging for their love back!" Alexander's words cut deep. Y/N had always believed in Alex's morals and his compassion. But little does she know about him, about who he really is!
"You bastard! She trusts you so much, yet your ready to throw that away anytime you want!" Noah Snarles , glaring daggers at Alexander.
Alex ignores him  completely and continues to talk about the ways he can use the relationship between Y/N and Him to his advantage. He knows exactly which buttons to push and how to manipulate the situation, making sure that Noah is forced to agree with everything he says, even when Noah is telling the truth. This man is ruthless and selfish.

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