Chapter 7

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In fact, there’s a hint of a mischievous grin tugging at his lips. He leans forward and plants one last quick kiss on your forehead, before pulling away entirely. You watch him curiously as he continues to lead you through the trees, and you don’t notice the expression on his face change. You don’t notice anything after that. You follow obediently behind him, unable to stop yourself from wondering what it was he looked like when he was younger. Were those blue eyes always like that, or did he wear his hair differently as well? Why were they so pale white, why was he wearing so many different coloured robes each time you saw him? What made him stand out so greatly from all the rest? And what exactly happened to him to make him end up being captured by the enemy?
As the questions continue to race through your mind, you start to wonder what else there is about you that is unusual, that you may have missed that he’s the same age you are. The more you think about it, the more curious you become. Surely if you are older than he is, you are more important than he is. But then, how come he’s able to save you? How could he get out of the trap that the enemies set up for him so easily?
What if he’s lying?
If he’s telling the truth, what do you mean to do about that? What can you do now? Is this his plan? Can he really save you? Or is he here to capture you? To bring you back to his master? To torture you like the others? To kill you? Are you truly worth saving, especially now, when you are defenseless in front of him?
But most importantly, do you want to be saved?
These thoughts swirl endlessly round your head, consuming your entire focus and making you feel overwhelmed. You need to calm yourself down. There are so many confusing, conflicting emotions going through your mind, and your whole body trembles, your teeth chattering uncontrollably as the air suddenly feels colder. Without realising it, Alexander looks back at you and frowns. “Are you alright my love?” he asks worriedly, as you turn and stare at him with wide eyes filled with fear. You blink a few times. Did he just call you ‘my love’? What does that even mean? Does he mean it literally or figuratively? “Do you need me to carry you?” he asks, reaching out towards you, but hesitates.

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