Chapter 12

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"Oh my dear, sweet girl…”
You snap your head upwards and immediately see the figure that stands before you. He smiles at you kindly as he takes a step forward until he is standing directly beside you. He leans down and kisses your forehead tenderly, while placing a reassuring hand against your back. “It’s okay now.”
You stare up at him in astonishment, “How do you know? How do you know that it’s okay?” you ask desperately, unable to stop crying. “What if I’m stuck like this forever? What if this has all been a dream? I’ve got so many questions…”
Your voice trails off as your vision begins to blur once again. You’re shaking uncontrollably and beginning to sob. But you cannot help it. All these months, all those endless years you have waited for your saviour, but he has never shown up; he has failed you again. Why did he abandon you in the first place?! Why hasn’t he showed up yet! You should have known better! How could you possibly have believed him?! Even now, your thoughts are racing frantically through your mind at a speed that seems impossible to contain, causing your heart to start beating wildly and tears to spring forth in spite of your attempts to fight them back.
Suddenly, a warm hand cups your cheek gently, and you instantly calm down and relax under its warmth. The familiar scent of tobacco fills your nostrils and you close your eyes for a split second, allowing yourself to sink into the comforting embrace. “I would never leave you, dear. Never in a million years.” You hear Alexander reassure you softly, his voice gentle and filled with sincerity. “As for your question…” he continues. “Everything’s gonna be alright. No matter what happens, you’re safe with me. We’ll figure this out somehow. Together.” he promises softly, looking down at you lovingly, as if he is truly telling the truth.
You nod slightly, your face still pressed firmly against his chest and you listen to the sound of his heartbeat pounding away underneath your ear. “Y/N…” he murmurs softly, brushing his hand down your arm slowly. “Don’t you know that you mean the world to me? Do you honestly believe I want to leave you behind?” he asks as he stares down at you with deep blue eyes, filling you completely with affection and pride, whilst wrapping your small frame up in his large, strong arms.

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