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The grip around your waist becomes tighter and tighter as if the person is scared you'll escape, and suddenly you feel a rush of dizziness hit you and you slump heavily against the unknown person. Before you know it, the pressure around you vanishes, and you slowly raise your eyelids, expecting to find him gone. Instead, you see a pair of bright blue eyes glaring at you. Your breath catches in your throat as you realise that you've just met someone incredibly attractive. He has dark hair and smooth olive skin, and his features remind you of a Greek God. Even though he is shorter than you, he looms above you with an imposing presence and you feel your insides melt at the sight of him. But he doesn't seem dangerous at all, merely amused by your reaction. He reaches up and runs a thumb under your eye, wiping away a tear which had escaped your control, before placing a tender kiss on your forehead. "Don't worry," he whispers, "you're safe now."
You nod dumbly, unable to utter a single word. Suddenly the air shifts and the atmosphere changes, the heavy rain ceasing to fall and becoming replaced with crisp, cool breezes. The wind picks up and your damp dress starts whipping around your body. A slight smile appears on your face. It's nice out here. You glance up at the stranger and your eyes widen in surprise. His appearance hasn't changed in the slightest since you first saw him. His hair still stands up straight, and there's the same smirk on his lips, although it's gentler than usual today. "Who..." you mutter, struggling to form complete sentences due to the overwhelming exhaustion that's settled deep within your bones. "Where.."
"We're in the same world, dear," he replies calmly, placing a hand on the small of your back and leading you through the forest, deeper into the unknown, "it's just easier for me to appear wherever I wish rather than having to search for you. You'll soon come to understand why."
For some reason, he keeps smiling at you as he talks, and despite the confusion and exhaustion settling heavily on your mind, you feel yourself smiling too. You haven't smiled in weeks, it seems. The feeling of warmth spread across your chest is foreign, yet comforting. It's also comforting because of that, the thought of this person being kind enough to help you through these seemingly hopeless situations strikes you as odd. You guess it's because you don' t understand people, or maybe because you're used to being alone, and this stranger's kindness feels almost alien to you.

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