Chapter 11

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It has been a month and Alerah's and Viserys's love still stands and no change so far has happened in their relationship. Otherwise, Alerah would be very happy to have children, a little maternal feeling sometimes appears, but you have to have a little patience, perhaps. But otherwise she hopes that Viserys takes the courage and wants to marry her and then she would become a freer and more powerful woman and she would become the wife of a Prince and her children would become real children through marriage and she most of all wants have a real life that keeps their future family together and what can give people more rights. But she wants many children, her mother had three children in her life but her family was huge and there were several children here and wherever and what she most wanted was at least five children. Let's hope there will be many.

Besides that, a new year will start soon and new adventures will happen. But who would want to go ahead and put her there and ruin her life further. But last time when Alerah carried out her revenge on Arianna, she obviously knew that it was Alerah who wanted to put her there and get her killed and maybe more than that. But Alerah took her victory so well she dressed up great and showed up perfectly comfortable with her lifestyle and Arianna was of course mad as hell at damn Alerah, the little whore witch must be killed by any means possible and she will get a such moments that scare her out of her wits altogether.

But how to do it, she gets everything and she is so self-assured despite how ordinary and simple she still is.

Alerah and Arianna have a few times just passed each other and made small talk and Alerah wins quite often but she wants nothing to do with Lady Arianna anymore and she hopes that Talia's death was a warning or experience of her mistakes.

But Arianna has an idea and this revenge that she wants to carry out is going to happen very soon and it starts with Arianna getting a new handmaiden and she is one of the new girls from Essos that came with from the war and what she has been told from the girl's past she was a murderer and pickpocket and was captured as a young teenager and then she was sold to a businessman who wanted her to help him raise money and eliminate liars around him and then inherited their taxes and business. But then he died of mysterious events, she said.

The girl's name was Oleia and did not know her family name but her mother was a slave who was raped, but she died a long time ago. But Arianna saw that she had such self-assuredness that showed how cunning and skeptical she was in her character and she promised Oleia a lot if she did everything practical against her enemies. Oleia promised and smiled wickedly, knowing what the cautious Lady Arianna was trying to tell her.

But during these windy days something else evil has happened and none other than from Aerys himself and he ordered his servant to pour sleeping pills into Rhaella's wine cup and shortly there Rhaella's lunch arrived and after she had finished her food and drank her last sip of wine then the medicine began to affect her and she wondered what it could be and wanted to quickly go to bed and soon after that she fell fast asleep and was far beyond the real world. But just then her husband Aerys arrived and saw his wife he hated so much and how she slept so sweetly and then he tore off his clothes and lifted Rhaella's dress and did his job and played with her ugly up and down.

A long while later he was done and dressed and soon as he left the Queen's room he saw her servants and told them to clean up after her and soon as Aerys started to leave Rhaella woke up feeling vulnerable and sore and quite wide awake and then she realized what had happened again and it never happens rarely that she gets drugged when her brother is going to have sex with her or just either mostly play with her.

But Rhaella began to burst into tears and her handmaidens looked on in horror as her sores had come up and a lot of new ones. Soon as the King walked the corridors of the castle, people began to discover what King Aerys had done, some could notice certain details as he walked and decided to rape Rhaella.

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