Chapter 3 - The New Neighbors

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(3rd person POV)
A week before the end of last chapter

Minho was finally a happier kid then he used to be. Ever since he started taking dance classes his behavior had improved and he was just much happier. Minho was also enjoying dance classes. He went from taking a one hour class once a week to taking a two hour class everyday except the weekends.

One day he was riding his bike in the driveway when he saw his neighbors removing the for sale sign that had been in their yard. He didn't think anything of it, just that they had decided not to sell their house after all. He quickly realized though that he was getting new neighbors.

As the week went on his neighbors took down all the decorations and birdhouses they had hanging up. Then at the end of the week a moving truck showed up and started to load up boxes of stuff and furniture.

A couple days after his neighbors moved out, Minho was practicing his dancing in the front yard when a car pulled up next door. A woman got out of the car before opening the back door. When she opened the back door a boy that looked a few years younger then Minho got out. Minho was so excited. He would finally have a friend to play with. Then the boy looked his way. Minho waved at him but the other boy just put his head down and walked inside the house. Minho felt sad that the boy ignored him but he was determined to be his friend.

(Han POV)

"Finally" I thought to myself. After a few motel stops and many bathroom and gas stops we had arrived at our new house. I gave up on throwing a fit. I realized it wasn't going to work. But now I just feel super sad. So sad that I can't describe it.

My mom opened the door and I got out. I stared up at the house. It was bigger than our house in New York. Feeling someone staring at me I turn around. There's a boy that looks a little older then me next door. He waves at me. Not knowing what to do I put my head down and go inside.

I headed up to my room. It was bigger than my old one. I wanted to look around the house but I was to tired to do that. Instead I just plopped down on my bed.

(3rd POV)

As soon as Han's head hit the pillow he was out cold, exhausted from the past few days.

A few minutes later his mom headed upstairs.

She called out, "Han, how does pizza sound for supper?"

Not getting an answer she walked over to his room. Peaking her head in she saw that he was asleep. She quietly closed his door and headed back downstairs hoping that he would be happy here.

Time skip~
A few hours later

Han woke up from his nap and found his mom scrolling through her phone.

Looking up she asked, "Wanna ho get pizza for supper?"

"Sure." He replied.

Time skip~
Back at home after getting pizza

Han was getting ready for bed when his mom came into his room.

"Make sure you get some rest tonight cause the neighbors invited us over for barbecue tomorrow. They have a son who's a few years older than you so maybe try to be friends with him. Anyways, goodnight. I love you."

"Goodnight. I love you too Mom."

After his mom left, Han lay awake thinking about what his mom had suggested. Should he be friends with the boy next door? It wouldn't be bad to have a friend. But would this boy even want anything to do with him? He seemed nice earlier. Finally he came to the conclusion he would just have to give it a shot tomorrow. With that he fell asleep.

Hey people. So double update today. I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. Pls vote for it.

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