Chapter 18 - The Nightmare

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"Fine." Han said snuggling into Minho's side.

Acting on instinct Minho wrapped his arm around Han pulling him even closer.

"This feels right." Minho thought to himself. "I wish I was the only person who gets to cuddle with him like this."

Minho realized what he had just thought. He thought about it some. It was then that he realized why he kept getting jealous.

"Holy shit! I'm gay for him. I like my best friend."

(3rd Person POV)

That thought weighed heavily on Minho for the rest of the night. He pretended to be having fun for his friends' sakes but in reality he was freaking out.

"This can't be happening. I can't like him. I'm supposed to like girls." kept running through Minho's mind.

Eventually the boys all fell asleep except for Minho. He laid staring at the ceiling thinking. After awhile his mind decided to shut up and let him sleep. But even then, liking Han haunted his dreams.

(Minho's POV)

"Han!" I shouted. "Where are you?"

I heard nothing but silence. I ran around in the pitch black trying to find him. Eventually I tripped over something, or rather someone. It was Han and he was bleeding.

I started to freak out.

"I-it'll be o-okay. We j-just need to g-get you s-some help."

"Minho." Han croaked out barely audible. "I'm not going to survive. We both know it. So promise me that after I'm gone you'll move on."


"No buts. Please promise me."

"F-fine. But that doesn't mean I'll ever forget about you."

"I know."

And with that he began to pull me into a kiss.

(3rd Person POV)

"Minho! Wake up!" Han shouted.

With that Minho jolted awake.

"Wh-what happened."

"I don't know. You just started shouting and crying in your sleep."

When Minho realized it was Han speaking he grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Promise me you'll never leave me." Minho said.

"I promise. Now care to tell me why your acting like this?" Han asked.

"I had a nightmare where you were dying."

"We'll I'm alive so there's no need to freak out. Okay?"


After awhile Han ended up falling asleep on top of Minho still hugging him. Not long after the solid and steady beat of Han's heart lulled Minho to sleep, arms still wrapped around each other.

Time skip to morning~

Minho woke up before anyone else that morning. He just stared at Han sleeping for awhile, simply appreciating how cute and peaceful Han looked while sleeping.

Making sure Han was asleep first, Minho pressed his lips to Han's head.

"I wish I could tell you how I actually felt, but you would never feel the same."

Just then Han woke up and opened his eyes.

Hey guys. Did ya think they were gonna kiss? Do ya think Han heard Minho? Anyways sorry this chapter is kinda short. I hoped you still liked it anyways. If you did pls vote for this chapter.

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