Chapter 36 - Squirrel

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(Han's POV)

When I woke up I still had that nagging sensation that something bad was going to happen. I decided to just ignore it and get ready for school. After I finished getting dressed it was time for me to go outside to wait for the bus with Minho. I opened the door to be met with a terrible stench.

"What in the world could that be?" I asked myself closing the door.

I looked down and my question was answered. I just stared in horror. I was in such shock I couldn't even scream. It took everything in me not to throw up at that moment.

(Minho's POV)

I was waiting outside for Han and the bus when I heard Han's front door close. When he didn't appear next to after a few seconds like he usually did, I began to worry. I turned around to fine Han looking towards the ground in a terrible state. He looked like a ghost, all the color drained from his face. He looked like he was going to be sick at any second. I could also see horror written in his eyes. I quickly headed his way to see what was wrong. What I saw shocked me.

Deciding not to focus on what lay on the ground I quickly made my way to Han. I tried to pull him back into his house but he was still in shock, unable to move. So instead, I picked him up and carried him to his room. I placed him in his bed and handed him the cat plushie he would always cuddle with when he needed comforting. Making sure he was okay for a few minutes, I walked downstairs to see what the note said and to tell the others why we wouldn't be at school today. I decided to call Chan figuring he could tell the others for me.

"What's up?" Chan asked answering my call.

"Han and I aren't going to be at school today."

"What? Why? Is everything okay?"

"I honestly don't know. This morning was really traumatizing for Han."

"What happened?"

"Well I was outside waiting on Han and the bus. I heard Han close the door but he didn't come up and talk to me like he usually does so I turned around to see where he was. He looked terrible. Super pale skin like a ghost and like he was going to be sick at any moment. He was staring at something on the ground with this look of horror in his eyes. I walked over to see what was wrong. There was a squirrel. I was dead and super bloody. Its head was bashed in. It's stomach was cut open with its insides spilling out. Then there was a note attached to it help in place by the knife they used. It said, "You better watch your back Han Jisung because your the next squirrel I'm going to kill." Anyways, he's in bed right now but he still refuses to talk."

"Why the fuck. That's terrible. You need to call the police. Don't touch any of the evidence. There may be DNA on it. Also, don't leave Han alone right now. Who knows what will happen to him. I'll tell the others what happened and we'll bring y'all work to his house this afternoon."

"Okay. Thanks Chan."

"Your welcome. Just take care of him. He needs comforting right now."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." Chan said ending the call.

I headed back upstairs to check on Han. I sat down at his desk and looked up the number for the police. After I found it I called them.

"This is the police, what can we do for you?"

"Hi. There was a very disturbing death threat made to my friend this morning. I was wondering if you could send someone over here to collect the evidence. I don't want to touch it if there may be fingerprints."

"Of course. Good job on not touching it. If you can tell me the address someone will be right over."

I told the last the address.

"Okay. Someone should be over in about ten minutes."

"Okay. Thank you."

"Your welcome."

I kept looking out the window to watch for the police. When they got here I picked up Han and carried him downstairs. I put him on the couch so I could keep an eye on him while talking to the police. I walked outside to meet two cops and they were staring at the squirrel corpse. They had seen many death threats but non quite this gruesome. One of the police spoke to me as soon as I closed the door.

"Hi. Can you tell us what exactly happened?"

"I can only tell what I saw but sure. I was by the road waiting on My friend and the bus. I heard him close the door but he didn't come up and talk to me like he usually does so I turned around to see where he was. He looked terrible. Super pale skin like a ghost and like he was going to be sick at any moment. He was staring at something on the ground with this look of horror in his eyes. I walked over here to see what was wrong. There was the squirrel in this condition."

One of the cops had been taking pictures while I was talking and was now putting the evidence in a bag. The other cop had been taking notes.

"Where is your friend now?"

"Sleeping on the couch."

"Do you think we can talk to him?"

"You can try but I don't think he'll talk. He's really traumatized right now. He wouldn't even talk to me before he fell asleep."

"Okay. It's fine then. We can try to get a statement from him later. Can you answer some questions for us?"


"What is your friend's name?"

"Han Jisung."

"And what is your name?"

"Lee Minho."

"Does Han have any enemies?"

"I don't know if he has a enemy but there is one kid who constantly bullies him."

"What is the name of his bully?"

"Man Iseul."

"What is the worst thing Man has ever done to Han?"

"Man nearly drowned Han in a toilet once and another time tried to rape him."

"Were either of these reported?"


"Why not?"

"There was no physical evidence."

"Okay. Has Man ever done something like this?"

"I don't know."

"Okay. That will be all. Thank you for your cooperation."

With that the police left and I went back inside to check on Han. He was still sleeping, probably because of the trauma he had suffered. I picked him up and brought him back upstairs to his bed. I placed him down and pulled the covers over him. After I took off my shoes, I slid under the sheets next to him. He instantly let go of his plushie and cling onto me instead. I hugged him to my chest doing my best to offer him comfort in his sleep. After laying there for about an hour I began to drift off to sleep as well.

Okay, so I know I said this would be ending soon quite long ago. I thought it would have ended by now but it hasn't. I have no idea where this is going so yeah. It shouldn't be to much longer though. Also, long chapter. Yay. I have no idea where this sudden burst of inspiration came from. I had an idea of why was going to happen last night but this became way longer and better than I anticipated when I started this chapter. Also, sorry if I made any of y'all sick with the description of the squirrel. Stuff like that just doesn't bother me. Anyways, I hope y'all liked the chapter. If you did pls vote for it.

Minsung: I Fell in Love with my Bestfriendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن